Urbexing: “The present participle verb form of urbex. Urbexing is the act of exploring urban areas that are generally off-limits to regular civilians.”
I live on a historical site and it’s full of abandonned houses, has a semi-abandonnend firestation and a abandonned farm. A dream urbex location for many of my fellow local photographers. Since a few months there’s a huge billboard by the farm that says it’s state property and that no one is allowed to “step on these grounds” for both safety and secret state reasons. The state build a fence around it and I have seen a police car check to see if no one was trespassing. So they take the “off-limits to regular civilians” très sérieux. A lot of urbexers have taken on the challenge and climbed over the fences to check out this gem… but I haven’t. I’m too much of a wuss to do real urban exploring so I found a little abandonned spot in my own backyard. Now, you might think this is not illigal. But you are wrong: it’s illegal according to Daddies Law. The tool shed is his man space I guess. But he barely uses it if it’s not to feed the chickens or get the mower. So when he was out walking the dogs, I sneaked in there to snap some of the old stuff. I really like how the one with the candy box turned out! And I love the kind of contraposition of a pretty pot of “summer flower seeds” (Fleurs d’été) in such a dusty old place.
Are you an Urban Explorer? Or would you dare to do it?

This is a wonderful post!
I live in a historical town, and growing up sneaking into places your weren’t allowed to was quite alluring, especially if they were haunted. Oh did we freak ourselves out doing it! So fun!
Great pictures !! 🙂
Oooh, I love that first picture, very well done – rustic and pretty!
I most likely wouldn't enter an "illegal" space, simply because I think more of my family than myself. If I got in trouble, that would hurt Jen, I'd miss the pets, etc. Plus I'm a little bit of a chicken as far as the law goes anyway. 😉
I prefer to get my thrills by doing really crazy stuff like bull riding and hopefully one day jumping from a plane!
I tend to explore abandoned building, but not if there's a no trespassing sign (um, this miiiight be because some guy threatened that he usually has a shotgun with him. Wyoming takes the Right to Bear Arms very seriously. On the other hand, I've also gotten tours from owners of abandoned sites so…)
Cuteeeeeee pics
i am not, and i'm not sure i am gutsy enough to do it. i'm too scared of getting caught! great photos, i love it that you broke your dad's law to get them!
These photos are beautiful! They bring me right back to MY dad's toolshed, and being allowed in only on special circumstances 🙂
I adore these photos. I find these kinds of things so interesting and intriguing!
This is beautiful. And I would love to be an urban explorer. I can't even imagine the adrenaline and the beautiful photos you could get.
Sounds so interesting…would love to do this but would also be scared! Who knows what's in abandoned houses? Haha. Love your photos, they are sooooo artistic.
<3 Cambria
I love abandoned buildings and other decrepit things… seriously loving these pictures of yours! Anything that's decaying or rotting away in nature is just so interesting to me. 🙂
long time no see girlie! you're just as adorable as the last time I visited your blog 🙂 you are really great at photography. I love all these photos! I could see them in a coffee table book!
I am, especially in those countries I'm not familiair with in the first place. And I like the contraposition you're talking about as well. It's almost surreal.
omg! i love the first pic!
xoxo from rome
The urban exploring sounds like fun! It would be good to explore places, as long as they weren't sealed off because the buildings were unsafe!
That first picture is awesome. I'm probably not much of an explorer… I think I'm too scared of what I might find! 🙂
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Fun! I too also love abandoned buildings…I often find myself attracted to visiting ghost towns which there are many in Cali 🙂 Happy Friday!
geweldig, doet mij denken aan mijn grootvader zijn garages! hij was automechanieker (probeer hier een vintage woord te gebruiken) en er waren zoveel geweldige dingen te ontdekken in zijn garages. love those photos lady
Thanks for teaching me a new word 😀
Exploring in off-limit areas is always a thrill haha
So that's the name for it? LOL! I actually love discovering old houses and areas like that. Not even for photography's sake, but just for adventure's sake. Although like you, I don't think I could trespass. Too scared of the consequences. 🙂 <3
Amazing photos! Where you live sounds rather exciting & myserious!