It’s 22:50 pm and I just did my dishes. I know, but the idea of playing the most annoying Facebook game of the year (also known as Candy Crush Saga), suddenly became very interesting when I looked at the table full of dishes waiting to be done. And who knew I could make it to level 29 with only 5 lives? Right now I really just want to go to sleep, but the boyfriend went out to a party while I worked on an assignment (I prefer homework over doing the dishes) and I am kind of hoping he stops by on his way home for a goodnight kiss. I think my hope is in vain though. Kid’s not been answering his phone since the afternoon, haha.
We’re both studying in Antwerp this year, but we decided to each have our own studio and not live together. He’s only two blocks away though, and his best friends actually reside in the dorm house three doors down from mine so we are seeing each other everyday. It’s kind of weird to see him so much. Back when I was working on my Bachelors degree, I was studying in a different city and we only saw each other on the weekends and during school breaks. This year we’ve been sitting on his couch watching Lost almost everyday of the week! He also makes me lattes. Lots of them. We have lunch together in the cafeteria, and when I forget my coat at his place he brings it after me. I sometimes run into him unexpectedly on campus (SO weird!) and steal a kiss. He cooks and goes grocery shopping most of the time. And we have more opportunities to take outfit photos for the blog. See, only good things!
We’re a good team for doing the dishes too. He does the dishes and I dry them off and put them away again. If there’s one thing I hate about cleaning it’s putting my hands in the dirty water. Especially in the end, when you have to pull out the stop. No way. Nu-uh. I know it’s only food and it’s not a big deal, but hey, if the boy wants to do it the girl ain’t complaining. He’s my main man, and I if we one day decide to move in together we have already one chore less to argue about.
Or we could buy a dishwasher.
I’m sorry about the quality of these photos. We’re not entirely adjusted to the winter hours yet and didn’t realize that 4pm is already too late to take photos. Oops.
you are gorgeous, i love this outfit. and dishes partners, so great! i love that. you guys are cute, dishwashers, save the day!
you are gorgeous, i love this outfit. and dishes partners, so great! i love that. you guys are cute, dishwashers, save the day!
Aww, he's sounds like such a good guy doing the dishes! You must be so happy to finally have him around. It's the best!
Also, I totally love this look. Those pants look amazing on you! Legs for miles! 🙂
Okay, you are so cute 🙂 So glad your boy makes you so happy.
Also, you rock this classic color combo.
Aww, he’s sounds like such a good guy doing the dishes! You must be so happy to finally have him around. It’s the best!
Also, I totally love this look. Those pants look amazing on you! Legs for miles! 🙂
Lovely outfit!! Perfect office attire! I need to wear wide leg jeans more!
Okay, you are so cute 🙂 So glad your boy makes you so happy.
Also, you rock this classic color combo.
You do sound like a great team. You are a lucky gal! I'd love to have a man around to make me lattes 😉
Hope you got your goodnight kiss.
Lovely outfit!! Perfect office attire! I need to wear wide leg jeans more!
I often end up doing dishes at odd hours of the night too. I use it as procrastination sometimes because I don't really have to think about anything while washing them. It's amazing the things you can accomplish while procrastinating though! I'm happy you get to see your boyfriend more often now. I'm finally living with mine after 4 years of living 5 minutes from one another in separate apartments. He cooks and we drink lots of coffee. It's a pretty wonderful arrangement. We're pretty smart finding boyfriends that cook!
But anyway, you look so pretty here. Those jeans look awesome on you and I love the red blazer with them. I think these pictures turned out nice. The lighting is very appropriate for this time of year!
You do sound like a great team. You are a lucky gal! I’d love to have a man around to make me lattes 😉
Hope you got your goodnight kiss.
I often end up doing dishes at odd hours of the night too. I use it as procrastination sometimes because I don’t really have to think about anything while washing them. It’s amazing the things you can accomplish while procrastinating though! I’m happy you get to see your boyfriend more often now. I’m finally living with mine after 4 years of living 5 minutes from one another in separate apartments. He cooks and we drink lots of coffee. It’s a pretty wonderful arrangement. We’re pretty smart finding boyfriends that cook!
But anyway, you look so pretty here. Those jeans look awesome on you and I love the red blazer with them. I think these pictures turned out nice. The lighting is very appropriate for this time of year!
Love the red jacket with the jeans! Looks so cosy with the scarf too! You're onto a winner if your boyfriend likes doing the dishes! 🙂
Hubby and I both equally hate ironing, so when we got married and commenced splitting the household chores, we both agreed to only iron our own clothes. It's not ideal, but better than one person having to do it all. And I just wear more dresses and less shirts to minimise ironing time, hahaha! 😉
Away From Blue
Haha herkenbaar!
Love the red jacket with the jeans! Looks so cosy with the scarf too! You’re onto a winner if your boyfriend likes doing the dishes! 🙂
Hubby and I both equally hate ironing, so when we got married and commenced splitting the household chores, we both agreed to only iron our own clothes. It’s not ideal, but better than one person having to do it all. And I just wear more dresses and less shirts to minimise ironing time, hahaha! 😉
Away From Blue
ik ga iets heel girly zeggen, maar ik haat het water niet omdat het vies is maar omdat het mijn nagellak verpest :p dus ja, ik ben ook de afdroger van dienst 😀
Haha herkenbaar!
ik ga iets heel girly zeggen, maar ik haat het water niet omdat het vies is maar omdat het mijn nagellak verpest :p dus ja, ik ben ook de afdroger van dienst 😀
Your legs look SO LONG in those jeans! Since this school year I live within 5 minutes cycling distance from my bf (used to be 40-45 minutes or 1,5h by bus), aaawesome!
Super leuk, stylish en classy 😀 Ik houd niet van afwassen.. vaatwasser een leuke kerstcadeau? 😛
You know, I still haven't played Candy Crush! Which may be a good thing…ha! Sounds like good things are happening to you in Antwerp this year, looking forward to seeing those outfit photos! The lighting in these is actually lovely, and the outfit is so stylish! I've been wanting a pair of jeans like that for a while.
Your legs look SO LONG in those jeans! Since this school year I live within 5 minutes cycling distance from my bf (used to be 40-45 minutes or 1,5h by bus), aaawesome!
Super leuk, stylish en classy 😀 Ik houd niet van afwassen.. vaatwasser een leuke kerstcadeau? 😛
Geen ruimte voor en we huren, maar anders had er hier al lang eentje gestaan!
You know, I still haven’t played Candy Crush! Which may be a good thing…ha! Sounds like good things are happening to you in Antwerp this year, looking forward to seeing those outfit photos! The lighting in these is actually lovely, and the outfit is so stylish! I’ve been wanting a pair of jeans like that for a while.
Loving that blazer!
And I'm so glad you're seeing each other more! The same thing actually happened with my husband and I. We lived in different cites for 3 years when we were dating and only saw each other on weekends and breaks, and then he transferred to my university. It was so strange to see him as often as I did, but awesome! Its a great transformation 🙂
Loving that blazer!
And I’m so glad you’re seeing each other more! The same thing actually happened with my husband and I. We lived in different cites for 3 years when we were dating and only saw each other on weekends and breaks, and then he transferred to my university. It was so strange to see him as often as I did, but awesome! Its a great transformation 🙂
legs for days! those jeans were made for you!
legs for days! those jeans were made for you!
Slapen jullie dan niet samen ofzo? 😀 Leuke broek, staat u echt mooi! Maar wat wil je, met zo’n benen 😮
Te kleine bedden 🙁
I can't imagine life without a dishwasher. We have one and we STILL tag-team it, he rinses, I load.
nog nooit niet gespeeld, dat spel. Misschien maar best. 😀
your story sounds so simple but I truly loved reading it and found it interesting. I wish we could get a dishwasher in our space but since we don't own, we obviously aren't getting one right now. haha. =)
I can’t imagine life without a dishwasher. We have one and we STILL tag-team it, he rinses, I load.
nog nooit niet gespeeld, dat spel. Misschien maar best. 😀
your story sounds so simple but I truly loved reading it and found it interesting. I wish we could get a dishwasher in our space but since we don’t own, we obviously aren’t getting one right now. haha. =)
oh the photos are so pretty!:) lovely outfit!
oh the photos are so pretty!:) lovely outfit!
Those jeans look GREAT! 🙂
Those jeans look GREAT! 🙂
Homework over dishes? Hell to the no 😀
Wij zouden ook een goed team zijn als jij mijn schoolwerk deed en ik uw afwas 😉
Die broek staat je trouwens beeldig!
Naomi, x
Homework over dishes? Hell to the no 😀
Wij zouden ook een goed team zijn als jij mijn schoolwerk deed en ik uw afwas 😉
Die broek staat je trouwens beeldig!
Naomi, x
okay, that's it — this darling outfit is getting saved for later days insp 🙂 i love the look of lace with red and those flared jeans are the perfect finishing touch!!
oh the woes of dish cleaning, i know it well and have put off my fair share of duties too. for years i lived without a dishwasher and was that ever the worst for procrastination, i shouldn't complain now. having a machine do most of the work ain't so bad 😉 the set up you guys have sounds really awesome, it's great to be that close to each other but still keep a space for independent studies, etc.
okay, that’s it — this darling outfit is getting saved for later days insp 🙂 i love the look of lace with red and those flared jeans are the perfect finishing touch!!
oh the woes of dish cleaning, i know it well and have put off my fair share of duties too. for years i lived without a dishwasher and was that ever the worst for procrastination, i shouldn’t complain now. having a machine do most of the work ain’t so bad 😉 the set up you guys have sounds really awesome, it’s great to be that close to each other but still keep a space for independent studies, etc.
Sounds like the perfect one! 😉 En ieeeuw ik haat het ook om mijn handen in dat vuile sop te steken, maar jammer genoeg komt mijn boyfriend nooit afwassen 🙁
Anyway, heel leuke outfit, vooral dat blazertje: very pretty!
Sounds like the perfect one! 😉 En ieeeuw ik haat het ook om mijn handen in dat vuile sop te steken, maar jammer genoeg komt mijn boyfriend nooit afwassen 🙁
Anyway, heel leuke outfit, vooral dat blazertje: very pretty!
I am loving those pants on you! you look beautiful!
Zo leuk! Klinkt echt tof dat je hem zoveel ziet in tegenstelling tot vorig jaar! Love the outfit!
I am loving those pants on you! you look beautiful!
Zo leuk! Klinkt echt tof dat je hem zoveel ziet in tegenstelling tot vorig jaar! Love the outfit!
Wat fijn dat jullie elkaar vaker zien nu! Het lijkt me zo lastig om in verschillende steden te wonen…
Wat fijn dat jullie elkaar vaker zien nu! Het lijkt me zo lastig om in verschillende steden te wonen…
Haha wij hebben dezelfde regeling over de afwas, ideaal! 😀
En die broek is supermooi 😉
Haha wij hebben dezelfde regeling over de afwas, ideaal! 😀
En die broek is supermooi 😉
Die jeans staat jou super leuk! Tof om te horen dat je jouw vriend zo vaak ziet nu 🙂
Die jeans staat jou super leuk! Tof om te horen dat je jouw vriend zo vaak ziet nu 🙂
Haha ik ben net andersom ik doe de afwas en mijn vriendje droogt af. Het heeft wel hééél lang geduurd eer we de vorige gedaan kregen. The work life is niet meer zo simpel zucht :p Dit is de blazer van in de vorige post toch? Is echt supermooi! Leuke foto's 🙂
Haha ik ben net andersom ik doe de afwas en mijn vriendje droogt af. Het heeft wel hééél lang geduurd eer we de vorige gedaan kregen. The work life is niet meer zo simpel zucht :p Dit is de blazer van in de vorige post toch? Is echt supermooi! Leuke foto’s 🙂
Ja dat is mijn nieuwe jasje ^^ Ik ben er heel blij mee!
De blazer van vorige post?! Echt mooi! x
is dat die fantastische broek weer? ik heb nooit op kot gezeten en le beau ook niet (denk ik)! wij zijn elkaar pas veeeel later tegengekomen :)! en om op veilig te spelen hebben we maar een vaatwasmachine geinstalleerd
De blazer van vorige post?! Echt mooi! x
Ja, dit issem! 🙂 Dankjewel!
is dat die fantastische broek weer? ik heb nooit op kot gezeten en le beau ook niet (denk ik)! wij zijn elkaar pas veeeel later tegengekomen :)! en om op veilig te spelen hebben we maar een vaatwasmachine geinstalleerd
You look great Nikki! That blazer is one of my favorites!
You look great Nikki! That blazer is one of my favorites!
Love the xmas colour combo! 🙂
Ja, dit issem! 🙂 Dankjewel!
Ja dat is mijn nieuwe jasje ^^ Ik ben er heel blij mee!
Love the xmas colour combo! 🙂
Oh my goodness, I've never heard a story about washing dishes be any sweeter! Enjoy these afternoon moments, those are my favorite from when my fiancé and I started dating, we met in school & had many stolen afternoon moments that at the time seemed so mundane, but are special stories now.
Oh my goodness, I’ve never heard a story about washing dishes be any sweeter! Enjoy these afternoon moments, those are my favorite from when my fiancé and I started dating, we met in school & had many stolen afternoon moments that at the time seemed so mundane, but are special stories now.
Te kleine bedden 🙁
Geen ruimte voor en we huren, maar anders had er hier al lang eentje gestaan!
this is such a cute look, and your legs look ridiculously long in these pants!
this is such a cute look, and your legs look ridiculously long in these pants!
Helloooooo long legs!! These jeans fit you incredibly!
Xo, Hannah
Helloooooo long legs!! These jeans fit you incredibly!
Xo, Hannah
Die jeans staat u supergoed!
Die jeans staat u supergoed!