This past weekend we got our first snow of the winter! The woods around my house seriously looked SO pretty and I just had to go for little walk and ofcourse I brought my camera! At one of the fish ponds I passed by the same man that came up to me when I was recently out taking outfit photos. Turns out he is very much into photography and he liked what I was doing, haha. His dog seemed to have a different opinion on that since he was absolutely frightend by the sound of my camera’s shutter. After an hour I was completely frozen and decided to return home and study for my last exam which I had today. It went okay, and now I’m anxiously awaiting my results! I have a pretty bad feeling about one oral exam…
Hope you are having a lovely week thus far!
xo, Nikki
that is amazingly beautiful! i want to live somewhere like this!!
Gorgeous photos!!! I am dying to see some snow!!! XO
I wish winter would show up here in Virginia. I kinda miss it even though I am a summer girl at heart. These are beautiful photos – I especially love the third one!
Les photos que tu as pris sont tellement belles!
Awww, it looks so pretty!
We haven't had a really good snow yet, and I'm sad.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Heel erg mooi! Ik word echt blij van dit weer
wow, the snow really transformed everything with it's gorgeous coat of white.
You live in such a beautiful place!
Beautiful photos, Nikki! Especially love the first one.
Looks nice.
These photos are stunning! It's so beautiful outside.
xo erica
Wow, gorgeous photos! It snowed here too but not much, I guess it depends in which city you live because not in every Belgian city there was the same amount of snow
Amazing photos in any case! 
Crossing my fingers for your exams results by the way!
You really do live in a winter wonderland don't you? These pictures are beautiful!
Alexandra xo
Supermooie foto's! Hier in Leuven is er maar een mini-laagje sneeuw gevallen, en toen ik foto's wou gaan maken was hij al verdwenen, boe! Zo pretty, maar zoooo koud! X
So beautiful!! All the snow in Chicago is gone and it's looking pretty gross and dreary. What lovely photos you've posted!!!
Great photos, Nikki!
gorgeous wintry photos Nikki! My favorite is the 3rd with the line of trees! Keep up the great work!
Nikki my love! Your photos are totally gorgeous! Make me want to hop on a plane and come for a visit (it would be a nice excuse to buy a bunch of winter wear too!…oooohhhh, maybe you could take me to Zara! I wish we had one here!) I'm sure you did great on your exams!! xx Nat
GORGEOUS images..that third one is stunning! I think you have a talent girly!
Oh! Oral exams are so nerve wracking. I can not stand them. But it does get easier with time. And I'm sure your last exam went fine.
These photos are also so so pretty.
You took some seriously gorgeous photos, lady. I wish I had a winter wonderland like that, I'll admit it.
Oh wow, Nikki! Gorgeous photography. Love, love, love. <3
This is soooooo amazing! No snow here! It's freezing, mind you, -8 celcius, but the sun is shining. I wish there was at least snow for me to play in!
Ugh, ik vind mondelinge examens ook niet leuk, absoluut niet. Maar veel kunnen we er niet meer aan doen, enkel afwachten! Mooie foto's trouwens, vierde foto is echt héél mooi.
Oh these photos are beautiful! They make me wish all of our snow hadn't melted ^^ That last photo is stunning!
wauw, zo mooi! bij mij heeft het nog niet gesneeuwd hoor… niet in brussel en niet in gent
maar het is wel superkoud, zo unfair! je foto's zijn echt wel de max, vooral de 2 laatste… wauw!
Aw, the snow is so lovely! We had a couple good snow storms this year, but it's all melted now. We're having really unusually warm weather where I live. I have mixed feelings about it… :-/
Oh wow! I'm so jealous you have snow! We still haven't got any where I live in the UK but I'm just dying for some! I love the first and second pictures!
Love this photos!!! xoxo from Rome
Ps. Follow each other???
oh my goodness, this is absolutely gorgeous! Do you live in the woods? You are clearly talented with photogrpahy, I love ever photo. We have only had snow a couple days all winter it's so odd!
The House of Shoes
These are gorgeous. xx
Wonderful photography!
absolutely lovely photos. So serene and tranquil!
Ooh, lovely! So pretty! It's great to see you're putting the new camera to good use!
How beautiful is the snow there! We've had only a bunch of rain this winter. Boooo! =) Enjoy! =)
Kristina J.
These pictures are absolutely beautiful
Stacie xo
Oh WOW – these pics are SO beautiful
The Other Side of Gray
This looks fantastic! We haven't had much snow where I am in London but it's been reaching -10 each night! xxx
These are gorgeous photos! I wish winter looked like this where I live
Dayumn die derde foto is AWESOME!
I keep coming back to look at these…