top: J.Crew | jeans: Lee Jeans | shoes: Aldo | handbag: Michael Kors | earrings: Oasis
Instead of watching videos on YouTube all day, I thought I’d log into WordPress and write a new blog post today. Lately I haven’t been “feeling” the whole writing-thing. You may have noticed that my last few posts have been significantly shorter and lacking personality. In my last few posts I wrote a wretched paragraph about the outfit I was wearing in the pictures and clicked “publish” before thinking about what I was actually publishing.
Those posts are awful… .
I’ve neglected my baby blog and it shows. Well, technically, if my blog was an actual human baby born on 01.01.2009 it would be old enough to somewhat maintain itself by now. And I wouldn’t have to worry about putting new content up. 8-year-olds can write, right? Sadly blogs don’t write themselves, no matter their age, so I have to find a way to get back into the swing of things.
Guys, I’ve been reading a load of posts on how to write column-style (because that’s the writing style I love the most), but nothing is sparking inside that brain o’mine. It’s fried. Overcooked. Overall: Not functioning. Nothing feels really right and most days I feel like I have nothing to write about. Watching endless amounts of “June Favorites” and “Weekly Vlog #108845” has been so much easier than agonizing my brain to come up with something to put with my outfit photos. Hang in there while I try to figure out how to get the engine in my head starting again. I hope that I can get The Ginger Diaries back on its feet soon!
In the meantime, how about another one of those wretched paragraphs about my #ootd? This one is a summer favorite. I love lace tops and I love peplum. While everyone’s is wearing those over-hyped frilly shorts I thought I’d just stick with frilly tops. I’m not cool enough to pull off frilly shorts and I don’t want to look like a 25-year-old trying to be young. I’ll do that when I’m 50. While I really love this top (like, really really) I’m not so sure about the jeans. They a bit too long and a bit to wide around my lower legs, no? Something about them makes them look unflattering. Hmmm. Anyhow, I’ve repeatedly worn this outfit to work on those days where I didn’t want to think much about what I was wearing. I love having those ready-to-wear combinations in my closet to make getting ready in the morning easier. How about you? Do you have rock solid combinations that make your life easier too?
Beautiful top!
Je schrijfstijl is nog altijd on point hoor! Kan ik nog wat van leren ?? Love reading it, in engels dat niet te moeilijk is ?. De broek misschien een slagje of twee omslaan tot op je enkel? Ik kan precies een gewone lange jeans niet meer accepteren sinds de ankle length craze ?
I think the jeans are perfect on you, and the lace peplum top is so nice with them I can see why this is a go-to outfit for you.
I know what you feel about being unmotivated to write too. Sometime I feel like that. Sometimes I’m overly verbose and no one reads it and I get frustrated but I don’t think people read the shorter text either sometimes. I’m just forcing myself to get something out there, I always get a little unmotivated when I write what I think is a good post and it gets next to no meaningful comments.
Have you thought about making videos? If you enjoy watching them you could make try adding videos to your blog? Would solve the writer’s block!
Hope you are having a wonderful week 🙂
Away From The Blue Blog
Ik sluit me aan bij Melissa, je broek een slagje of twee omslaan kan soms wonderen doen! Of dat is toch mijn persoonlijke bevinding 🙂 Verder kan ik me helemaal herkennen in je blogger blues. Gemotiveerd blijven, tijd en denkwerk steken in je blogposts… Het blijft een eeuwige uitdaging!! Maar meestal gaan die blues na een paar dagen/weken wel weer over en vind je weer een hernieuwde liefde voor je blogbaby 😉 Hang in there and keep up the good work! Ik vind alleszins dat je hier een heel mooi en gezellig plekje hebt gecreëerd op het net. En dan nog puur uit persoonlijke nieuwsgierigheid: wat doe je eigenlijk voor werk?
Nog een fijn weekend!
Don’t think the posts are bad…. you are a fashion blog. People come to read about the clothes too. Everything happens in seasons.
BTW- Love the top and the way it compliments your skin tone and hair color.