Some days you just don’t feel it. You want to re-create that outfit you wore to class that week and are pretty excited about sharing it, but then you can’t think of a location and you just try wherever you are and have no clue how to move your body into any decent positions. Why am I biting my finger! Then when you upload the photos to your computer you find out your photographer cut your feet off in about every picture. Guys, I’m really not having the best time when it comes to blogging.
My deadlines for school and studying for my upcoming finals seem to have drained me from all of my energy. I’m writing this, but what I really want to go do is sleep so I don’t have to go class tomorrow with two Céline Trapeze under my eyes. It’s my very last class tomorrow. I cannot really fathom that. I’m going to say goodbye to people I’ve studied with for two years, walk out of that class room and know that I won’t see most of them ever again. It’s the strangest feeling and it definitely doesn’t seem real. Anyway, I’ll write about it another time because I really am very tired. And I’m feeling pretty emotional too. What a roller coaster.
I hope you are doing well. See you soon!
I have those days all of the time! I constantly have a problem finding a location because I get so bored of the locations that I cycle through. I do, however, love your outfit!
For what it’s worth, I think that is a nice casual outfit, even if you weren’t feeling it!
Hope your last class isn’t too sad for you, that is a great milestone to reach, but a very emotional one too!
Away From The Blue
Oh yes my last day was very emotional. It feels really w-strange to think that you’ll never see most of your classmates again because we all live so far apart. On the other hand I am really excited to start a new chapter too 🙂
Congrats on reaching the end of the semester! I can’t believe you’re managing to post at all when you’re so busy and exhausted! Go get some rest 🙂
Komaaaaaaan Nikki! Die laatste loodjes zijn het zwaarst, maar probeer er toch van te genieten. Er staan je nog zoveel spannende dingen te wachten de komende jaren. Ik weet dat ik vorig jaar genoeg had van studeren en dat ik blij was om te gaan mogen werken. Achteraf gezien denk ik dat ik meer had moeten genieten van mijn uniefjaren en minder had moeten stressen. Maar ik kijk nog altijd met plezier terug. En dat werken is zo slecht nog niet! Denk aan al die mooie Ted Baker dingen die je volgend jaar gaat kunnen kopen… 😉
Veel succes met de examens en ook zal ik niet bij jou in de klas: wij gaan nog VEEL afspreken 😀
Verleid me niet met Ted Baker, haha. Ik moet nog zoveel kopen voor mijn verhuis dat ik nu écht niet aan mode-shoppen mag denken 😉 al hebben ze wel een HEEL mooi jasje in hun SS15 collectie…
ahhah blogging issues I know them 😉 mooie outfit wel
Hahahah we’ve all been there Nikki! Comes with the blogging territory. I hope your last class went well! How crazy to think that you’re done!
It definitely feels a little surreal.I only still have to take one exam later this summer and defend my thesis and then it (hopefully) is done! So strange! xo
Definitely know the feeling. Hate it when you love and outfit and then photos just don’t work out. I still like this outfit though.
Good luck with everything.
Thank you Kristian 🙂
Oei oei oei, Nikki het klinkt echt je dagje niet. But no worry kan gebeuren. Moet gebeuren. Anders appreciëren we die geweldige, fantastisch mooie dagen niet. Dus kruip maar gewoon lekker in je bed op die dagen, eet ice cream (I recognize I fellow ice cream lover when I see one :p) en op naar een nieuwe, leuke dag 🙂 Wel benieuwd hoe die laatste dag school ever was!!
x Aurélie
Die dag was zo emotioneel! Het is echt gek om te beseffen dat het allemaal voorbij is. Ik wilde erover bloggen maar vind er niet echt de tijd voor door de examens en mijn verhuis 🙂 Die ijsjes die heb ik wel 😉 dus komt helemaal goed met die blogging-vibe!
we have all been there, keep going!!!