Zara jeans // Vero Moda blouse // Mango blazer // Boo shoes // Essentiel bag // Forever 21 necklace
You know what I don’t like about Christmas? The fact that K always seems to know what to get me, and always has his gifts way before I have any for him. And then he starts teasing me with vague hints about what he got me. This year’s no different. I received a teasing PM on Facebook informing me that my first gift is bought… and that it’s something “fun”! Grr… You are mean sweetheart!
Where he seems to have no trouble coming up with ideas, I am completely stuck. I’ve been skimming the internet and read through countless “what to get for your husband”-lists. Still nothing. I tried asking him, but everything that crazypants longs for in his life is… a projector. Astonished and confused I repeated what he just said: A pro-jector? He meant it folks. The kid wants a little mean machine to project movies on a wall. He took me on a virtual ride around the internet and showed me youdon’twhattoknowhowmany projectors. To restore the balance, I made him look at Madewell clothes. And just when you think it’s not going to get more silly, his brother comes along and happily states he finally found the perfect gift for Christmas… you guessed it: a projector!

Like it.
Lovely outfit!
Haha! Kenneth sounds fun!
Too be fair though, it is way easier to shop for girls then for boys! A couple of years ago my honey hacked into my etsy account and just got me some of the things I had favored. Ha!
haha I always struggle with getting DH a gift too! Guys are so tricky to buy for! I'm sure you will find him something perfect soon 🙂
you look amazing in your jeans! and this post is awesome, its hard sometimes to get men presents!!
ellie at
This is a true story. My husband wants a paper shredder. Weirdo-s!
A projector!! That's so funny. Men definitely have a different mind-set when it comes to gifts….I bought my dad sharpies and an electric pencil sharpener last year, because that's what he asked for!
And as always, you are totally rocking these jeans!
To be fair- projectors are fun. We use one or our outdoor movie nights.
Also- you look so classic and lovely in this. Those flared jeans make your legs look like a million bucks!
First, you look so professional and amazing. I love this combination. And can we say that Vero Moda is the best? Yes.
Second, I have the same issue. I hate shopping for Evan and he always teases me about having mine. This year I think I'm going to get him a clock. So romantic right? Good luck with your hunting or your projector buying.
Also have fun in Germany!
Hey Nikki! Thank you for your very sweet comment on one of my previous posts. The one about the striped bodycon dress, if you remember 🙂 While you say you can never pull off bodycon dresses, I say I can never pull off bell-bottoms/flared pants! And just so you know, you can totally get away with bodycons! 🙂
Loved reading this post BTW! I have always found it hard to come up with a gift for guys too. I have three brothers and I don't ever know what exactly to get them. It seems easier to get gifts for girls… probably because we know what we would want ourselves 😛
♥ Megann of Style Surgery
Hi, I've never commented before but I really like your blog! I always think it's fun to see the style of people in places I've never been to. 🙂 And a projector would be kind of awesome, like a movie theater at home! 🙂
Leslie, Instant Fires
hahaha – oh no! what are you going to get him???
Haha that's kind of hilarious! I swear, guys come up with the most random things. Gotta love 'em!
The Glossy Life
Look at you fancy pants! You look so cute! It'll be fun to have movie nights with a projector. We do it a few times a year and it's a blast!
LOVE this look Nikki – so classic, and you look so pretty! That is SO cute that Kenneth already got you your gift…what an awesome hubby 🙂
The Other Side of Gray
I love that you subjected him to a viewing of Madewell clothes to restore balance – I do the same thing with my helpmeet. And I love your wide leg trousers … I can never seem to pull those off.
Courtney ~
I think I may own the same Zara top that you mentioned you have in your comment on my blog! And, again, love those wide legs pants!
Courtney ~
I just adore your wide leg pants. It's a great fit for you. I'm short so that these sort of pants fit me very oddly haha.
I hope you find the perfect gift. Perhaps an portable projector screen?
i love these pants on you
you know it baby
I like the shape of those jeans!
This is too cute and funny! I am at the point where I specifically just want to be told what to get my boyfriend too! Our birthdays are both near Christmas but come first, and I feel like all of my creative gift-procuring energy gets used up too early!
Haha, we love our projector! Just wanted to pop by and tell you that I love your posts with those Zara jeans and I just bought some exactly like it! I love them, so thanks! 🙂
Why are boys always so hard to get gifts for??!! Sheesh! Call me a dork, but I think a projector sounds kinda cool.
That sounds exactly like something my boyfriend would want! haha and love your outfit!
<3Chelsea Elizabeth
Those jeans look so good on you! I hate trying to buy gifts for my husband, it's so hard because he is so picky!
This is a great look. Simple, classy and chic! <3
Love from the NaNa girls xoxo
Haha, how funny! A projector is a cool item though.
Love those jeans on you – they fit you perfectly 🙂
Nikki, you are looking beautiful as usual!
Polished, yet casual and always accentuating those lovely locks of yours.
As far as husband gifts are concerned – I know exactly how that goes!
The boyfriend is probably one of the most difficult people I shop for.
He says he "loves everything I get him" but we all know he's just being a sweetie pie!
tiana of l'esthetique
THis outfit is AMAZING! those pants were seriously made for you!
I follow you and I hope you will reciprocate…
I love this outfit!!!
You look great!
Those jeans were pretty much made for you!
I totally get what you are saying! I'm the worst when it comes shopping for gifts! I spend hours trying to find something I think they will like. Ahhh it's so hard!
hahaha that's so funny! oh, men 😉
you rock those jeans girl. and that brown bag is lovely!
I love it! Your hair is so amazing.
I adore your blog, would you like to follow each other?
See I have the opposite problem…I can drop hints til I'm blue in the face and my hubs can never come up with any ideas of what to get me 🙂 But it's ok…I like giving him special stuff and don't really care what he comes up with! Btw ADORE these trouser style jeans on you, they are soooooo flattering 🙂
<3 Cambria
Check out my GIVEAWAY!!!
well, i think Kenneth is genius for being so ahead of the game like that. Sean def could take a cue from his lead 😉 omg, i love the balancing act you tried to create though, kinda brilliant. Madewell's always a good idea!! boys are uber tough to think up gifts for, i'm in the same boat.
cute look Nikki, another swoon over your long legs and i do adore that blazer so much too! happy weekend. ♥
I love love love this look on you Nikki! You can never go wrong with classics and this outfit is no exception. You look so chic!
Love this look. Love the way you're pairing a blazer with a jean!!! Awesome!!!
The bag & belt looks great and so its your hair color. Totally love this look! 🙂
Do stop over my blog too sometime and if you like, don't forget to follow! 🙂
You look fantastic! Great casual friday wear 🙂
I agree — buying for guys is so much harder than for girls. They have it so easy!
I love your flared jeans. Your legs look a mile long!
xoxo Alison
Flared jeans staan u zo goed! Ik lijkt net dumbo als ik er aanheb 🙁 Misschien dat ik het nog eens probeer met extreem hoge wedges eronder in de zomer.