What happens when you’re in a car with two people you only just met? Awesome stuff happens, of course! So. FashionClash 2013. On Saturday June 1st my alarm clock was supposed to go off at 6:30am. I woke up with a panic at 8:15 from the noise caused by two tractors plowing the field next to our house. The train left in the next town over at 8:45. Not Good.
I don’t think I’ve ever eaten, showered, got dressed and brushed my teeth as fast as I did that morning. I was on the train by 8:40. I could have used those five extra minutes to grab a bottle of juice for the ride. A little over 11am the train rolled into Tongeren station where Dorien and Sven were waiting to start our adventure. Off To Maastricht we went!
Dorien & Sven
We didn’t have an address and Swag Sven made a typing error so the GPS led us to the wrong location. Way later than what is considered “fashionable” we arrived at the SAMdecorfabriek, where we were not supposed to be anymore. Everyone had already left. The lovely Ravi, from the organisation, called the right people for us and we were picked up by a Porsche Panamera with a driver. A WHAT? Yes. Fancy stuff.
We drove to a house where up and coming designers from The Netherlands were showcasing their newest collections. We missed the official presentations, but we still had enough time to discover all the collections and have a chat with the designers. My absolute favorite collection was “As The Crow Flies” By Tessa Wagenvoort. She design her collection based on feelings like freedom and wonderment. She then chose colors that fit the mood of these feelings and drew out amazing patterns that she printed on the used fabric. The result is an amazing collection, full of blue and orange hues in unique patterns. The whole reminded me of the sun, sinking into the deep blue ocean. It was absolutely beautiful. Even though the designs are a-typical, I can definitely see women wearing her designs in everyday life. Below you can see the official photos of the collection.

After we toured the house we joined the other attending Bloggers and we were driven to the city center to tour around all the different pop-up shops. I had to catch an early train home, so I was only able to visit two of the shops before I had to leave. I didn’t take a lot of photos during the event, so I’ll leave you with what I have. Next year I hope to maybe make it a weekend, so I can fully enjoy everything that Maastricht and FashionClash have to offer!
The photos above feature the super soft sweaters from the hand of Belgian designer Tom Van Der Borgt and an Italian-style print silk shirt by Black Balloon (also Belgian).
tof! je hebt blijkbaar een leuke dag gehad 🙂
En meerijden met een Porsche, zo cool 🙂
x Audrey
Sounds like a fun event!
Thanks so much for that report, Nikki! Hopefully you can stay longer next year. I look forward to seeing you again soon xx
Ziet er erg mooi uit! Spijtig dat jullie zo laat waren 🙁
Oh zag er leuk uit! 🙂
looks so fun!
Hahahaha, mijne kop! Tof artikeltje heb je ervan gemaakt Nikki! Volgend jaar gaan we weer en dan voorzien we een hotelletje 😉 !
Lijkt me een leuk event! 🙂
The clothes are amazing…love the prints. What an exciting day that must have been for you.
it's funny, even when a day starts out so badly sometimes they turn out to be the best days! i'm glad you made it to the event in the end, it looks like a lot of fun!
little henry lee
wow!! amazing patterns/prints on that shirt! 😀
Click me for my BLOG!
Haha, een beetje te laat komen heeft dan toch nog zijn voordelen. 🙂
The clothes look lovely! I'm glad you made it even with being late, would have been fun to experience! 🙂
Away From Blue
Oh my goodness, I want to fall out of my chair that you were at this event. So fun!!
What an exciting day! These clothes look beautiful.
NEW OUTFIT IN THE BLOG: IN FLUOR AND YELLOW http://showroomdegarde.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/in-fluor-and-yellow.html
What an amazing and unique event to have been able to attend!
wat fijn dat het zo leuk was 😀 ziet er heel gezellig uit! Ben wel benieuwd naar jou outfit!
Super leuk! ik vind het laatste stuk echt super tof!
Klinkt als een fijn event!
Het klinkt als een hele avontuurlijke dag!
Lijkt me echt een leuke dag, maar wat jammer dat er zoveel misgang eerst!
cool verhaal! 😀 ook wel jammer dat je de presentaties hebt gemist :p x
Wat een gezelligheid, en wat een avontuur, haha!