Zara jacket // Springfield dress // Brandy Melville bag // Noë boots // H&M tights
Let’s start the new year with this horrible outfit! Haha, no really. I’m not convinced myself. Thumbs up for selling your own outfit! Okay, so. This faux leather jacket was a pretty expensive impulse buy I made when I was 17. You know, when you are seventeen, have no job and small allowance then €50 jackets are not a good idea. This outfit proofs why it’s been hanging in my wardrobe almost unworn for the past 4 years. A girl can’t get away with everything right? Well, it was worth the try! I can sense that 2013 is going to be my year of fashion disaster. Scroll down a little, and look at my pretty burgundy pencil skirt… It’s not that pretty anymore now. I literally ripped out of it on New Years day. Yep. I guess it’s only right to state that the food at our family dinner was GOOD. too good.
K would also like to say something today. He says thank you, to all those who filled in the survey and suggested less outfits, and more personal posts. Now he can stay on his sofa and play Assassins Creed all day. So why did I give him that game for Christmas again? Haha. No, just kidding. I must admit, I too was starting to feel weird about always and only doing outfit posts. Back in the earlier days of this blog I was posting a lot more personal things and photos, and I wasn’t much into this whole self-centered “who wears it best” kind of thing. Because, really, that’s what it has become, hasn’t it? To change things up, I was trying to make a video this morning. A real one, like, with me talking. THAT WAS WEIRD! I couldn’t even bring myself to speak to a camera without feeling super embarrassed! Oh boy! Maybe you have any tips on how to get over the embarrassment?
I need to go and study for my social law exam now. From the three weeks I had to prepare, this exam is taking up one. It’s a biggie. And I am stressiiiiiiing.
I think you totally rocked this outfit! It's always good to try something new once in a while. And I have a few impulse teenage buys that I'm not willing to get rid of, haha.
And to Kenneth: I don't play any video games, except for Assassins Creed. Awesome game 😉
I like this outfit. 🙂 Think the jacket looks really nice on you.
Don't hate on the leather jacket! I have a small collection and I love them. Try a white T and jeans. I also rock my black jacket with a cobalt skirt and tights sometimes.
You gotta let the bad girl out sometimes!
Good luck on your exam!
I haven't tried a leather jacket yet because I know I'm not tough but I wish I was! Also I'm super excited to see this video if it works out. I've never tried filming myself before so I don't know any tips for the camera shy.
Good luck on your exams! Soon it will be over! Just like that!
I actually really like this look! Really! Plus you will be glad you have this jacket in years to come, it's the type that will always be fashionable. 🙂
Best with studying, man, I'm glad I don't have exams anymore! 🙂
hahaha love this post title. I totally fail and looking tough too!
Method Clothe
Hey, I think this outfit is great! I pretty much live in my leather boots and jacket.
Actually I think this is really cute! And a leather jacket is a total staple–I hope you get more use out of it now!
You are crazy – I love the leather jacket on you! Good luck on your exam…you'll do great 🙂
The Other Side of Gray
just perfect!
Ik vind het wel meevallen hoor! zou het alleen niet met een wit kleedje dragen maar bv een groen ofzo?
En praten in filmpjes is echt niet makkelijk, haha jezelf horen is gewoon echt raar! Het beste is om het te laten zien aan iemand die je kent en vragen wat zij ervan vinden 🙂
Aw! I think you look great! The jacket looks fun!!
I like your outfit!and I even like when you talk about yourself!!!
So good luck with your exam!!!
I keep my finger crossed!!!
Have a nice day!!
I totally love it though. You actually look quite awesome in this – especially the jacket.
<3 katherine
of corgis and cocktails
I love your style !
I think you are rockin' this rocker look girl! You are just too cute!!!
xo TJ
Haha, that's the cutest title. I love this edgy look with a sweet twist. The dress is so pretty. Good luck on your exam!
Erm, so your outfit is pretty great….. I think you've gone a little crazy 😉
ohhh i really like this black and white combo
Well Nikki, I have to disagree! I think you look fantastic in this outfit 🙂 And even though faux leather jackets aren't always a good idea, this one definitely was! haha allowance or no allowance!
Can't wait for more ginger diaries in 2013!
tiana of l'esthetique
those boots rock miss!!! I made a couple videos with me talking and I really don't like them. So, now I just make ones to show clothes or food and just put music to them. Good luck with the exam!
I like this outfit, personally, but its a bummer you did not. Hate feeling like what you are wearing is not working.
No way is this horrible – this is awesome! I love it!
Chic on the Cheap
Hope your exam goes well!
I think your outfit looks great, the jacket works so well with the dress! 🙂
I have a youtube channel – I'm terrible and so shy with public speaking, so posting my photos on my blog and talking in my youtube videos is scary but helpful. Just give a video a go, you can always point the camera at someone or something else as you talk to take the pressure off 🙂
beautiful look!!:):)Your blog is so lovely! I'm thinking, if you want, we can follow each other! It would be great!!
xoxo Gloria
I love your writing style.
Also, I hope your exam goes well!
Best wishes!
I have items like your leather jacket in my wardrobe and I always wonder why I don't get rid of it if I'm NEVER wear it!
Allee jong, dat staat u nog zo goed!
Over vriendjes die graag games zouden krijgen:
ik doe daar bewust niet aan mee, dan komt dat
dagen niet uit zijne zetel!
En over en ava: alles kost daar ook zo weinig
dat ge gewoon niet kunt buitengaan zonder iets
te kopen!
x mangelmoes
Geweldige outfit!
From hats to heels
I love white in winter! This is such a great outfit!
Okay 3 things:
1) the leather jacket looks great on you. Or anyone for that matter. It's a basic piece anyone can get away with. Try pairing it with something different like lace or khaki.
2) Doing outfit posts doesn't make you self-centered. Period. If you feel like doing something different every once and a while, just do it. As long as you can find pleasure in what you're doing, you can do anything
3) Making videos is hard. If you think taking pics of yourself is weird, making videos is 10 times as awkward. It's something you can overcome with a lot of practice.
Good luck on experimenting and with your exams!
Haha, ik denk dat bruin met mijn lichte huid wel een betere optie was geweest. Of Cognac, dat zou echt heel mooi zijn! En idd, aardekleuren zouden beter kunnen uitkomen, eens testen!
Outfit posts op zich zijn niet egocentrisch, maar ik legde naar mijn gevoel te weinig diepgang in mijn blog het afgelopen jaar. Ik kreeg het gevoel dat alleen maar aan het showen was hoe groot mijn kledingkast is en dat voelt gewoon niet juist. Vandar het oog op verandering. Na de examens dan wel.
Bedankt voor de succeswensen. Ik ga er mijn uiterste best voor doen! Het zijn de laatste!
I actually love it
Xo Megan,
This is NOT a horrible outfit – a very cute one in fact! I love the black leather with winter white – so cute!
Alexandra xo
<a href="></a>
I don't think you failed at all – I actually think this is really cute! My boyfriend also occasionally ignores me for video games (don't let yours near Dishonored, that one "kidnapped" mine for several days :P) but at least games all end eventually!
<3 Leslie, Instant Fires
Het valt wel mee hoor Nikki 😉 Van ver ziet het vestje ziet er in ieder geval goed! Ik weet wel nog dat ik vroeger op school altijd kon ruiken of een leren vestje dat een meisje droeg echt of plastic was. Ik heb toen 'een echt' van mijn mama gekregen en ik draag het nog steeds. Het is dus wel een (kleine) investering waard. Mijn lief wilt trouwens ook graag een Playstation kopen maar ik weiger resoluut! Da's goed voor kleine rakkertjes van 10 tot 15 jaar. Niet voor een jongen van 22 🙂 – Is mijn mening hè 😉
I'm not quite sure what you're talking about, I think it's a pretty cool outfit! I like the mix of girly and rock'n'roll!
And I know what you mean…I've been at a point where 50 Euro was (is??) a lot of money!
super cute outfit 😀
X Jenny
I actually really like this look!! You look gorgeous : )
I actually love this outfit! It's so edgy casual which I love and you look fantastic!
I think you rocked this outfit!
Die leren jas staat u echt supergoed, en ook leuk gecombineerd met det witte jurkje. En die tas is leuk, 't zou nog een goeie DIY zijn!
Ik begrijp wat je bedoelt met dat 'self-centered'-gevoel. Of ik krijg dat gevoel van sommige grotere blogs en ben zowat bang dat ik zelf zo over zou komen. En inderdaad zo wat afwisselen vind ik wel leuk dan!
En ja ik heb dat eens geprobeerd filmen, ik heb mezelf elke keer uitgelachen als ik het filmpje bekeek 😀 haha oeps niets voor mij alleszins!
Ik vind helemaal niet dat je er gefaald of nep uitziet hoor 😉
Het is inderdaad leuk om eens wat af te wisselen met thema's, doen zou ik zo zeggen!
Succeeeeeees, fingers crossed!
Ik vind de outfit wel leuk, maar het is iets meer mijn stijl dan wat je normaalgezien draagt, en inderdaad minder jou ding 😉 Ik kan me voorstellen dat je je er niet 100% in voelt! Ik heb dat ook altijd als ik iets draag dat ik wel mooi vind bij een ander maar dat niet helemaal mijn stijl is!
Oh en ik vind blogs die enkel over outfits gaan niet oppervlakkig, maar voor mijn eigen blog vind ik dat dan weer wel haha. Heel gek eigenlijk, ik lees met plezier blogs die alleen over mode gaan, maar als het dan op mezelf komt ben ik daar heel erg judgemental over om één of andere reden? Maar mode is nu eenmaal niet mijn grootste interesse, ik ben door zoveel dingen gefascineerd 😉
beautiful outfit, that jacket is perfect!
I actually think it's a really cool outfit! The jacket looks good with that dress.
What are you talking about – this is a super outfit! I love the faux leather with the white- so fun in winter! (ANd I totally agree – never give your guy a game for Christmas or you'll never see them until summer…)
Nikki, wat zeg je nu! Ik vind dit een leuke outfit! Het witte jurkje is nog echt 100% jou maar dat zwarte jasje (which I LOVE) maakt het gewoon stoerder en staat je OOK LEUK! En je tas pas gewoon perfect bij alles, I like!
I actually like the look! Pretty with a little bit of edge!
Love that print! I'm all about tribal for winter, especially with such a badass rocker chic look like yours- fantastic styling love!
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such awesome feedback- hope to see you back soon sweets!
Peace. Love. LOL!
Haute Khuuture Blog
No you look great! I just stumbled across your blog and I love your style! Haha and I know what you mean about talking to the camera! I remembered I attempted it once and practically died from embarrassment. And that was even when I was alone in my room! Haha, well good luck on your exam! 🙂
I don't view style blogs as "who wore it best" – I view them as a chance to see how other girls style their clothes and get ideas from them. We all have our own tastes/styles, so it's fun to see how other people make things work for them. It's only a competition if you look at it like that 😉
I think this outfit is adorable!! I love the combo of black and white, and I think you do look a little tough in that jacket. Also, that bag?! I swoon. It's perfect!
SO gorgeous! can't go wrong with black and white 🙂
Fashion Fractions
you look so so cute so I don't know what you're talking about! I'm loving the classic white/black combo and that bag is just amazing. hope all of your studying and exam goes well!
Lady à la Mode
okay Nikki, i see no such thing as a fail here. you've got some tough edge coupled with soft charm and the whole look is completely darling on you!! i really like that jacket. i've kept things for so many years that it's almost too many to count now but when i've pulled them out to try again they sure don't measure up to how that jacket does on you.
hilarious story of your skirt though, well at least it was a good reason to rip 😉 i do love more personal posts along with some fun outfit sections, glad to hear you're finding a way that works best for you. that's all that really matters! however you go about your posts, it's your sweet, shining personality that comes through continuously anyways so leave any pressure in the trash bin lades. i love your blog big time!! cheer-leading from across the seas…pom poms flailing around and everything. xo ♥
black & white: always a good combo 😉
xo Charlotte
Good luck with your exams! I love that bag! Then i saw up close the details on the dress, that deserves a post by itself!
Ik vind dat vestje echt wel geslaagd hoor! Maar jij staat idd misschien beter met herfstkleuren als cognacbruin, donkerrood, donkergroen etc. maar af en toe uit uw comfortzone stappen is ook eens leuk toch? 🙂 xx
nooo I love this outfit! and I love how you've kept it to black and white; it looks so effective
Francesca xo
oh gosh. I think I pasted your web address instead of mine in that last comment. That's so awkward! It's because I was recommending your blog to a friend! sorry haha.
Ik ben dol op die tas, gave combo met die tribal print
Jouw handtas is prachtig!
Zou je misschien even op onze blog willen komen kijken, we hebben net onze eerste post gedaan!
Spannend! 🙂
Aw I don't think this was a fail at all. I think you look great in that faux leather jacket. I like how a jacket like that can give a little edge and shape to any outfit. This looks cute on you!
Lovely look! You look great in black and white ! 🙂 x