Forever 21 top & cardigan // Ichi skirt // H&M tights // Footwork boots
Leaves, leaves, leaves and more leaves. The beguinage is full of fallen leaves and colourfull trees, the perfect location for this outfitpost! I’m a bit annoyed by the ugly road sign and the white spots in the background though. I should check my ISO better 🙂
My weekend starts today which gives me an extra day to complete my seemingly endless to-do list. Horrible weather is rumored to be coming our way so that will force me to work on my essays for college. Still, I’m hoping for a few rain-free hours on Saturday. I would love to go for a walk in the woods, especially since I’ve heared there’s an abundance of mushrooms and I would love to get pictures of that. My camera hasn’t been used that much lately and I really want to get back to it.
As for the rest I’ve been feeling a bit bad. Not sick, I’d discribe it more like “down”. I’ve been discontent with what’s going on with The Ginger Diaries (mostly the dang design) and have felt rather uninspired lately. I guess it’s just a phase I have to go through, and I hope you bare with me 🙂
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

You look wonderful. This is a perfect fall outfit. It's finally fall here too and I'm pretty excited for it as well!
I love that skirt!!
Good luck with the pictures!
Leuke laarzen!
Hopelijk komt de inspiratie snel terug 🙂
Misschien wil je met onze giveaway meedoen?
I really, really like that cardigan, first of all. And that you are playing with leaves. (: Regarding the blog, sit on it and decide what you want and then plunge headfirst into it! We'll all still be around.
Hope it doesn't rain I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Love the boots 🙂
I've been down as well, however this is such a cheerful post. I love your outfit, and of course, the leaves. ♥
OH! I love this outfit. I have a top with similar colors and classified it as a summer top (cause that's when I bought it)BUT I love how you styled this! 🙂
leuke foto's, je bent echt een herfsttype 😀
Geen zorgen om je blog, je hebt duidelijk 600 trouwe volgers dus ik zou me niet meteen ongerust maken 😉
I adore the print of that cardi!
thanks a lot 🙂
your outfit is amazing, especially the jacket!
xx, rebecca
Sorry to hear you are feeling discontented/uninspired by the design….
however, this photoshoot is fantastic!
The cobblestone roads are so pretty, as are the leaves in these photos 🙂 I love love love your cardigan!
That last picture is so cute… a perfect fall photo! Love your cardi.
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Love your outfit Nikki! It's so cozy i'm jealous!
Thank you for your lovely comment, i'm restocking the shop today! I'll send you an email so you know :*
Win a black & gold necklace from my shop. Join the GIVEAWAY
These photos are so stellar. That street is so pretty, you fit right in.
Love your outfit especially that cardigan! The setting for your photos isn't half bad either 😉
Zo'n leuke outfit Nikki! Ik hou enkel van de herfst wanneer het niet regent, dus de laatste dagen was ik heel content! 🙂
Leuke outfit!
I love your blog so following! 🙂
You got gorgeous hair!
And love your outfit!
Great combined and lovely knit!
Oh man, I love it when photos are just as lovely as the outfit 🙂
Wonderful photography, and I'm seriously envying that colorful, fall-themed cardigan ♥
Trendy Teal
Perfect little bootsxx
The Fashionable ESQ 🙂
Hope you are feeling more inspired soon! These are beautiful photos, love the leaves! We don't really get that here in Queensland at autumn.
Super cute
suuuuuuuper pretty ^_^
– ♥♥♥ –
Loving the top! Nice shots xx
Leuke outfit en wat heb jij een mooie kleur haar zeg! Ik ben jaloers. Ik volg je nu, volg je terug? XX
Perfect autumn photos! The leaves here are still all summerish, no sign of yellow or red colour *sighs*. 🙁 And great outfit, the cardigan is soooo lovely!
Hey I'm your new follower! Love the shirt and just adore your hair, I've always wanted to be a red head 😉
This outfit is stunning! I absolutely love those boots. Lovely photographs!
xoxo, Meera
wat een leuk vestje! ♥
KEI MOOIE FOTO'S! wawie, good job kenneth?!
Gewoon effe niet teveel denken over bloggen of een schriftje bijhouden en neerpennen als je aan iets leuks denkt, helpt mij ook altijd!
Ik mis je x
Nikki, I'm sorry you're feeling down, don't because you're so inspiring! Cute photos, love the cobbled streets and leaves. Haha, I'm always struggling with my camera settings too, seems like I learn something new with each photo session. Keep it up!!
cute pics 😉
Eros (
I understand those feelings of discontent and restlessness…they can make you really feel under the weather! I'm sorry you're feeling that way and hope you find peace 🙂 Love your sweater by the way…that print is super awesome!
<3 Cambria
you look so cute! love the photos 🙂
I think your blog design is great!! And your photos are too, I love how you threw the leaves in the air!
yay for Fall, cute sweaters and crunchy leaves! I hope you got a chance to get out this weekend and recharge those creative batteries of yours!
aw, these photographs are wonderful! i love the cover-up you are wearing over this top!
lindsey louise
Je blog is echt heel mooi! Leuke outfit en foto's 🙂
Hi dear!
Love you're blog, follow u! 🙂
My name in GFC is: sexy_paige_cucu.
Hope u follow back 🙂
Lot of kisses.
Your look and the setting is beautiful. Loving your top!
Such a fun time of year:)
Have a wonderful week ahead!
I think the pictures turned out great, especially that one of you tossing the leaves in the air–adorable! This is a great fall look too. I hope you got some good weather over the weekend 🙂
Looks like you are embracing some nice fall foliage!
Love your sweater, and love your location. wish the streets around here looked like that!
Chic on the Cheap
These are perfect fall photos, and such a cute fall outfit – love it!
The Other Side of Gray
What great shots! Looks like you are enjoying the fall weather…I LOVE this time of year…
Great cardi!
The print of the cardigan is awesome! X
Well, maybe you're feeling more inspired with the new design? 🙂 It looks fantastic! Your outfit is just adorable with the cardigan and skirt, and I love the fall shots! Here in Texas, the leavers aren't even falling. Sigh. Beautiful blog, stories, and photos! 🙂