Amidst these hectic days, where most of us dust off our brain and try to memorize as much of those 1000-page syllabi as possible (finals!), I have some pretty exciting and BIG news to share. As of today it’s official: we are renting our first apartment together!
We started keeping up with a couple of local real estate agencies online mid-May and successfully round up the process today by signing a contract. We’ll be moving in July 1st! Our apartment is a cosy 90m², with an open kitchen and living space, two bedrooms and a large private terrace. I’ll share a few photos once we’ve moved in or maybe even post about our moving day and settling-in. We’ve known that we have the apartment for about two weeks now, but I wanted to wait until after we sealed the deal to share the news with you guys. It was pretty hard not to spill, but if you follow me on Instagram and Pinterest you’ve probably seen a couple of hints.
Over the past two weeks K and I have finished most of the plans we have for our place. I missed being able to blog about that process, but I will definitely #latergram it! Almost everything has been decided on: the color scheme, the organization and even most of the furniture. It was remarkable how well we agreed on everything and how fast we got most things together. However, there’s still a lot of decor shopping to be done and guess who’s in charge!? You can expect the focus of the blog to shift a little towards interior shopping and decoration in the next couple of months. It’s going to be my life now, haha. I take my job very seriously.I’m excited, happy, scared and nervous all at the same time. They say that flying out of the parental nest is one of the biggest steps one takes in life and according to my textbooks ‘living on your own’ is one of the biggest indicators of adulthood. I’m not sure yet how I feel about growing up and being on my/our own. Most times it feels like my life is just gently flowing forward and it doesn’t feel pressured or too soon at all, yet sometimes I am overcome by insecurities. I also must admit that I am overwhelmed by the list of things we still ‘need’ to buy and that it’s hard to keep the oversight. But I am also damn excited to start this new chapter in my life, together with my boyfriend who I am dating for 6 years in a couple of days.
So much happy things, but my finals are also coming up so I should get back to studying. I just really wanted to share this news with you and I hope you are looking forward to seeing how our apartment comes together just as much as I do. Enjoy your evenings and see you in Monday!
PS: I’m looking for reliable Belgian web shops that stock interior items, from furniture to decor. I’ve been hunting on Instagram, but f you have any favorites: please do share!
My boyfriend and I are moving into our first place in about a week! It’s such an exciting time, I totally know what you mean! But I’ve lived on my own for almost 7 years now so that part isn’t much of an adjustment. To be honest, it never really was? 🙂 Good luck with everything and congrats!!
I’m not really feeling any different as well. I’ve lived on campus for the last two years and even though it’s not entirely the same I think it has made the transition a little more easier 🙂 xo
Congrats on your apartment! Have fun decorating!
Thank you Bethany 🙂 xo
Congratulations! This is huge and exciting. I’m so happy for you!!
Thank you JC! ^^ xo
Hi Nikki!!!
My boyfriend and I moved together last February….I cried a lot for the first days, I was so so so happy for this wonderful thing that was happening in my life but I also was sad because I was leaving what I used to call “my house”.
After 2 days, I was the happiest girl in the world because I was living with the love of my life!
So….be strong!!!!
Thank you for your comment Bea. It’s definitely a scary, yet exciting time in my life. I’m happy to read that you’ve found your place and are enjoying every moment of it! 🙂 xo
Oooh, congratulations!! How fun! Moving can be so stressful, but decorating and arranging furniture and the like can make it all worth it! Take your time and don’t stress too much about the things you still need; you’ll have a lot of time to get it all together!
Good luck on your finals!! Rewards are in near sight!
Thank you Emily. My finals are over now and we are back on track with our furniture shopping. It’s all so exciting! xo
Oh that is so exciting! Congratulations! 😀
Moving into your first place is always a busy time – so much to do and you can have a lot of fun with it, and with decorating. I’ll looking forward to seeing what your new place looks like when you are ready to share 🙂
Away From The Blue
Thank you Mica 🙂 xo
Dat is zeker spannend én geweldig nieuws! Zo blij voor jou, je gaat zoveel plezier hebben met het inrichten van je eigen plekje 😉
En ook veel succes met je examens!
Ik amuseer me er zeker mee 😀 Het is ook fijn dat mijn vriend en ik goed overeenkomen. Dankjewel Carolien! 🙂
Yay! Congrats!
Je moet eens kijken op: Ze hebben daar echt leuke dingen. Wel een beetje pricey soms…
Have fun 😉
Haha, ja, die Vitra stoelen zijn wel duur maar ook oh zo leuk 😀 xo
Yay, proficiat Nikki! Damn, zo volwassen zeg. Alleszins: méga veel succes gewenst voor dit nieuwe en spannende hoofdstuk uit je leven. En euh, My Ex Boyfriend is wel een toffe webshop voor interieurspullen!
Dankjewel Laura. En ja he, afstuderen én samenwonen in één week tijd. Het leven gaat snel! Ik ga die webshop zo meteen eens checken 😉 xo
Yaaay 🙂 ik vind het zo leuk voor je!
OMG yay! Congrats on your first apartment! That’s so awesome! So jealous! I wish I could afford to move into my own apartment!
Haha, thank you Sara! Someday…! ^_^
Maison Du Monde heeft een hele mooie shop 🙂
Inderdaad. Ik was hen al een beetje vergeten! Bedankt Natalie 🙂
xx nikki
Thank you!
Congratulation! For both the renting and your anniversary, you seem such a lovely couple.