In my earlier teens I did not care for brands. H&M was my heaven, and you could find me there each first Saturday of the month to see what I could spend my little allowance on. When I grew older and was legally old enough to get a student job, the world of Zara opened and my love of clothes grew more. That sounds superficial, I am aware, but where some of my friends would spend their savings on party entrance fees, I spend mine on a pretty new dress. I was never one for dancing and drinking anyways. I’m 20 now, and finally feel like I have a wardrobe I can be proud of. Sure it’s incomparable to the dressings of let’s say the ladies behind Atlantic-Pacific or Wendy’s Look book, but quantity is not what it’s about for me. I think you might have noticed that if I wear jeans it’s always the same jeans, or that my little black dress is always the same one. I’ve been told by some that my remixing is what makes my blog so fun to read, and that’s how I too feel about my three-doors-wide closet. I can get much pleasure from dressing up and throwing my clothes all over the room, from twirling in front of the mirror to test the swung of a skirt. In my wildest dreams I would become stylist… or a shop owner. But truth is, I still need to make up my mind about what direction I really want to go in life. And time is ticking.
I never cared for brands, I just wanted to have fun with my clothes and figure out how to express myself through my looks. But then I was introduced to the preppy world of J.Crew and I totally got sucked into it. I know the brand has a name, but would you just look at all the gorgeous colors, fun prints and amazing styling. Sure, it’s friggin’ expensive and Old Navy carries items with similar prints at much better prices, but I cannot help myself. And I did it again. I wanted a blue lace dress since I saw a girl wear one on campus last fall. And they had one. Leopard lace, mind you. And it’s my birthday coming… in a month. So it’s totally justified, right? No? Hmm…. It sucks when you realize you’re being a bit too materialistic… .
Wearing a J.crew lace dress • Zara faux leather jacket • (Wo)men@work boots • Kinto glasses • Twice as Nice ring (gift from the boyfriend) • I AM earrings • H&M tights
i'm a sucker for j.crew too…and this dress look great on you! also, you always make me miss my red hair!
Het is een schoontje, uw nieuw kleedje! En hej, we zijn allemaal wel wat materialistisch! Ik heb ook helemaal niet zoveel kleren, waarschijnlijk wel meer dan de gemiddelde mens maar dan nog niet veel meer. Ik heb ook liever een goede kleerkast waarvan ik elk stuk graag draag dan veel waarvan ik sommige dingen nooit draag. Da's ni mijne stijl ;).
Mooi jurkje!
Hey <3
Wunderfull pictures <3
Maybe you comment my new post ? (:
Love Vanessa (;
I really love that dress!!so beautiful with black jacket
kisses from Milano
Yeah but this dress is amaaazing dude 🙂
Hey, this dress will become a wardrobe staple. It is a timeless piece.
this jacket is fantastic baby!
Lol. I guess I've never gotten too sucked into a brand (thoughModcloth is getting there! Yikes!) but I think part of it is there are not many stores anywhere near by…like, NO clothing stores in my town (though some churches have thrift stores but they are all open only on second tues. 2-4 and such.) So instead you got in the habit of going on a few shopping expeditions a year and that's it. I still find it hard to wrap my head around the concept of just picking up an item or two every week or so. And online, the prices (and shipping) keep me from that too much too!
Still, you look fantastic in that dress and it is clear from what you wrote that you still stick within your means.
Love the dress!
Ik ben net hetzelfde, zou ook liever m'n geld aan kledij geven dan aan wekelijkse zware feestjes. Bloggen zorgt er idd wel voor dat je op andere manier naar je kast gaat kijken en je dingen gaat combineren. 🙂
Ahh you look cute no matter what it is! Love the dress 🙂
Leuk jurkje! 😀
Love this post- I can relate so much! A cute jacket has much more appeal than going out for a night and vaguely remembering what happened the next week! And I don't blame you on J.Crew- it's one of those brands where each piece is brilliant and you can't imagine not having it. You look beautiful and love your red hair as always! 🙂
xoxo, Julie @ OBSESSED
Leuke outfit! Supermooi jurkje!
Totally justified to me! Birthdays need new dresses (well, maybe not *need,* but…) You look lovely, as always.
Fifth Freedom Fashion
eeep! I knew it was J.Crew from the first picture & was so excited for you! My Old Navy clothes come and go, but I have NEVER gotten rid of any of my J.Crew purchases! Smart shopping still applies at J.Crew, but you can really find some spectacular items to last a lifetime!
Mooie outfit!
En ik denk dat ik dit al eens gezegd heb, maar ik vind dat je echt heel heel goed kan schrijven 🙂
That dress is beautiful on you! 🙂
I think every now and then you have to treat yourself – even if it's buying something a little more expensive than you usually would 🙂
Like you mentioned in your post – everyone has the things they spend a little more on – drinking and parties, travel, clothes, shoes, bags, books…if it makes you happy and you're not getting into debt, there is nothing wrong with it IMHO! 🙂
Enjoy your beautiful new dress 🙂
Away From The Blue
Its no different than me spending obscene amounts on specialty foods, or someone who drinks a bottle of wine a night. We all have our vices, and yours my dear could be much worse.
Oh my goodness! I love this!
I just ordered one similar to it in a sea green color. So ready for Spring.
I think everyone tends to have that materialistic streak in them! I just got my tax return back, and I immediately went and bought a new outfit (I did save the rest, but I probably should have saved the whole thing). I've learned as I've gotten older that sometimes, buying things is totally justified if it makes me happy. And since I've realized that, I haven't felt guilty if I spend a little extra on a dress 🙂
Oh my that blue color looks amazing on you, love the deepness of the blue! stunning winter color and amazing with your gorgeous skin
Love your pretty dress!!
Heel leuk geschreven en love the fact that je Wendy's lookbook en atlantic pacific erbij trekt ook mijn fave's! 😉 heel mooi kleedje!
Dat jasje is leuk zeg, super leuke outfit! 🙂
I feel like a can totally relate to you on this. While my friends were partying, I would rather go shopping! 🙂 So it's quite a shame I take so little outfit pictures for my blog! 🙂
Hi Nikki,
Today I walked in the beack with one of my friends and we had a similar discussion so she gave me the idea of a similar post. I totally agree with you, brands dont matter, dressing up is all about expressing yourself!
Lovely dress you are wearing!
you look so adorable <3 the dress is amazing as well as the color of it:) hope you're having a great day xx
high end clothing is like an apple, once u start…u cant stop
Heel mooi jurkje! Waar koop jij J. Crew? Wil niet uit Amerika bestellen uit schrik voor hoge verzendkosten.
And if I may say so: your hair looks particularly GORGEOUS in this post!
En ik denk dat we allemaal wel streven naar high quality en een perfecte kleerkast, en als dat dan oppervlakkig is… moeten we ons dat niet aantrekken! Whatever floats our boat, I'd say 😀
Ik heb een klein zwendeltje om "er aan te geraken" 🙂 De vader van mijn vriend moet voor zijn bedrijf een 4 à 5x per jaar naar New Jersey, en een van zijn collega's gaat voor mij in J.Crew winkelen en dan brengt mijn schoonvader dat mee terug. Die collega heeft een dochter die houdt van Essentiel en Zara en zo doen we een beetje ruilhandel, haha.
Don't we all get seduced by these pretty clothes that come our way? It's never enough, you know? That dress was totally a good buy, its a neutral with a great cut and a a lot of style. Like you said, you remix your clothes so you get your money's worth, and it looks so damn good with that leather jacket!
Chic on the Cheap
I'm not one for brands really, so I understand where you're coming from. Sure, it'd be cool to have high-end clothes but I'm just as happy thrifting high-end brands and filling in the rest with cheap stuff! I really really love this outfit. You look so cool! Your leather jacket looks perfect with the navy blue lace dress.
wow da kleedje staat u heel mooi! ik heb de laatste tijd geen zin meer in shoppen , ook omdat mijn kleerkast compleet aanvoelt .. nu toch 😀
je moet maar eens kijken op mn blog, ik heb er iets over geschreven!
xo Charlotte
This is such a cute outfit! I love the leather with the softness of the blue dress. Great combo!
I have to admit that I am one for brands but the good part is that my favorite thing is finding brand name things at goodwill or thrift shops and doing a little happy dance because I'm about to buy something for $5 that was originally $80!! i actually have pretty much every single Anthropologie brand memorized so when i go into thrift shops i scout out anything Anthro or J Crew or Free People!:) Although my closet isn't particularly large, it's filled with pieces I love and and it's better than having a closet full of impulse buys and insignificant pieces.
Super leuke outfit! 🙂 love it!
this outfit is so you! love the tortise glasses and your hair pulled back!