It’s that time of year where the Belgian students dive into their books and are glued to their desk and college benches for 3 weeks on end. Some have started already, but I still have until Monday to prepare for my first. My first exam is the biggest bullet to bite. Social Law is no smallie. This year it’s about pensions and special governmental funds for the elderly and low-income families. Thus, A lot of rules to learn! Second is a course of which the vocabulary is longer than the summary I made of the book. crazy! Third comes a nightmare about how to efficiently create and run a social / supportive project. Four and before last is Social Ethics on how to have a wide point of view. And we dance the mambo number five on the beats of Nagy and Diclemente. That day will be January 25th. Oh, how I long for the moment I can hand that bundle of paper in! Oh, anybody noticed how immensely interesting online shops get when you have to study?
But after all this studying, I’m only an internship and a thesis away from my Bachelors Degree in Social Work, with a major in Social Welfare and a minor in the Social and Artistic practices.
Now how does that sound?
Prrrrettty fancy, huh?
June is still far away isn’t it?
That thesis is going to kill me.
sounds amazing. we are going to have a crazy semester too! however in april all i have is an internship and then i have my bachelors, yay!
good luck lady!
Haha, ik heb al online besteld ondertussen 🙂 als ik niet achter mijn bureau wegkan, dan maar zo! Morgen heb ik mijn eerste examen en dan een week tijd voor het tweede (en laatste) examen dus het kan wel eens voorvallen dat ik de Leuvense winkelstraat 'toevallig' passeer morgen 🙂 Heel veel succes meid!
Good luck with studying! Bet you'll do great. I'm starting my internship (for graduating) in a month as well…
Klinkt heel fancy! 😉 Veel succes!
You can do it! I totally believe in you and can't wait for you to have a fancy degree.
congrats Nikki!! its great you are passionate about something and doing what you love to do. good luck with the studies! we never had that in Canadian universities but I guess exam month would be comparable!? I'm doing my masters now so I can sympathize for you. online shops and even cleaning my room seem appealing instead of studying!?
Aw, i hope you survive! I started my first semester at the university in my city, transferring from a small college. We don't have exams quite yet, but I think it will be a stretch for me as well! Good luck!
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel veel succes lieve Nikki, you'll be great 😉 !
That DOES sound very fancy!! I'm impressed:) And boy, do I know how eeeasy it is to get distracted!! It's terrible that three clicks away from a physics lecture or an english essay is Facebook and Pinterest and Bloglovin'. Sometimes, I wish I had two computers: one for work and one for play. Then it wouldn't be suuuuch a temptation!!
Succes hoor! We komen er wel doorheen 😉
So many exams and study for you! Good luck with it all 🙂
Good Luck!!!!
good luck!!! sounds like an insanely busy time, but it will all be worth it 🙂
Good luck with the studies…the light is at the end of the tunnel!
Would love you to check out my latest outfit post 🙂
Have a fab weekend Hun xoxo
Nice work, but if to make a static post on the frontpage, Why did you create a custom page? maybe with a sticky post that can be made easily.
I totally agree about the online shops become so interesting part. I just finished my tests and OMG, all through I was sitting online but now that they're over, I found better things to do.
Love the picture, you have a nice blog!
Woah! Those sound like some interesting and TOUGH subjects! Good luck lady
wow Nikki, my head is spinning just reading about what's ahead for you lovely! i sure hope you're taking as much rest as possible this weekend before the season of the "book reading binge" starts up 🙂 eep!! well, i have to say that it is so impressive what you are doing and where your goals are set to. eye of the tiger girl! keep movin' and shakin' till all those branches bloom with wild flowers and sweet cherries from the fruits of your labors. xo ♥
Wonderful post dear!!
Good luck on all your exams!
<3 Cambria
ahh good luck! i hate writing papers. i think i'd rahter just take a test haha
The DayLee Journal
So much work ahead of you! My BA will come this semester too, but with a load that is much less heavy. Good luck! Here's to hoping we get through it 🙂