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Wearing: Zara coat and dress, H&M scarf (really old), Old Navy purse, Footwork boots |
Now that the temperatures have dropped far below zero and the snow keeps falling I thought it would be the perfect moment to take out my warmer winter coat. BUT my dad has put it somewhere and he doesn’t remember where. So basically he lost my $160 super cosy Zara coat… So I had to go with this one. I was totally freezing!
In other (and better) news, my boyfriends dad bought me this mini neon stachel from Old Navy last week! Can I just say that I LOVE it? It’s just big enough to fit my wallet, cellphone and a napkin. I really needed to learn to bring less stuff with me when I go somewhere because my shoulder always hurts so bad at the end of the day!
Love your bag!
Yay! I have that same bag! I'll be posting an outfit with it on Monday, I think 🙂 Love it. Also your coat is super cute! You poor girl, you look cold!
Your boyfriend's dad is obviously a very sweet man! I love the black ensemble – you always look so chic 🙂
sending you happy spells
I love your bag!
Cute! Love the colour of your bag!
Style in the City
love your yellow satchel!!
Great look! Love the coat & the purse!!
That bag is the perfect touch. I love it! xx
Whaaa hopefully you find that Zara coat soon.
Such a fun bag! And what the heck…your boyfriend's dad bought it for you?! The most I ever got from my ex-boyfriend's dads was a handshake…
(my father-in-law, on the other hand, is wonderful)
Nikki, ik ben echt helemaal verliefd op je tasje, SUPER CUTE ! En ik snap helemaal dat je nu even met je jas op de foto gaat 😀 ! Ik was ook van plan vandaag outfit foto's te maken maar het is er door de koude niet van gekomen 😀 !
Nice outfit 🙂
Hey rouquine!
I love this coat on you! Zara coats are classics, beautifully cut and chic. Great purchase!
aw, that purse is super cute! and so is your scarf too!
lovely bag <3
Die tas is zo cuuuute! Leuk kleurtje! X
Love that little yellow bag…so cute!
woooow ik hou van jouw coat >.<
no no i really love all the things at this post.
the view of those picts is amazing…and you're pretty:D
hahah i hate when that happens! id rather just stay in! xx
Wat een super schattige sjaal!!
love coat!!!amazing blog!!!i'm following you!!!if you like mine,do the same!!!!
Freaky Friday
Freaky Friday FB FanPage
Beautiful bag!
Awww, I'm sorry your dad lost your coat! :/ This one is nice though, it looks nice and cozy 🙂 And I love the yellow bag!
I love your bag/satchel and your scarf 🙂 Awesome outfit 🙂
Super cute purse! I adore that burst of colour.
Great blog, too, just stumbled across it!
Wow! Great outfit! You look amazing 🙂
LOVE the pop of color in that bag!
I definitely know the trials of sore shoulders! I can't go more than a few hours with a bag off my shoulder. but I love finding cute perfect sized bags that work!
that satchel is soooooo cute!!!!!
J'adore !!!!!!!!!!!!!
La besace, petit sac est franchement top!
bravo: belle tenue !
Uhm what? Your boyfriend's DAD bought you that uber chic satchel? Why doesn't my father-(to-be)-in-law buy cool stuff for me? 😀
Lucky girl!
And I think you'll freeze your ass in every coat with these temperatures. 😉
Oh zo lief dat de vader van je vriendje zo'n mooi tasje voor je gekocht heeft! Ik hoop voor jou dat je papa je jas snel weer vindt 😉 IT'S COLD! xo
ow my, that tote is the cutest!
and I NEED TO SEE THAT T-REX! I'm actually going to London on sat, but I'll only get to stay there for a couple of hours =(
Oh no!?!?! Below zero temps and your warm winter coat is MIA … not good!!!! But, at least you have that adorable neon bag to keep you warm 🙂 Seriously love your new bag … so bright and fun! And, you, my friend, look totally adorable styling it up 🙂
Ja, van mijn 6 tot 15 heb ik een blauwtje gelopen in het Spijker, gezellig hoor 😉 maar school ligt in men straat dus was logisch dat ik daar naartoe ging. Ik wou altijd naar 't graf haha (jaloeeers), humane gaan studeren maar ik mocht niet 🙁 BOE! xo
Er staat gewoon ECHT 'Netherlands' onder 'About me'. hahaha <3
I love your new bag! The color is so pretty, and it looks like the perfect size.
Love your blog and your coat. Is super!!! You ar eso pretty 🙂
If you follow me I will follow you back 🙂
http://iwonkaxox.blogspot.com/ http://iwonka007.blogspot.com/
Omg I LOVE the satchel! <3
Heel mooie laarzen Nikki! Wauw 🙂 en dat tasje is ook subliem, 'nen echten eyecatcher'!
That bag is amazing! Yes, Old Navy finally did something right! Love your blog!
wat een schattig tasje!
What!! That purse!!!! I'm in love!
Your new satchel bag is awesome! I love the bright color of it.