Goodness gracious! Can someone please tell me where time went? Looks like I have managed to disappear from this space for quite a while again. It’s suddenly fall already and here I am posting pictures of the cherry trees, haha. In true Ginger Diaries fashion, I still have buckets full of content from the summer that I want to share. It’ll be some time before you see the first pumpkin or sweater appear on here. I assume you don’t mind?
I do have some rather good news to share! 4 weeks ago, I started working again. It’s part-time for now, but I’ll build up my hours soon. I decided to not worry about blogging and social media during those first few weeks. I worked, came home and put on Big Little Lies for the rest of my afternoons. It was bliss! Now that I am slowly but surely falling into a new routine I found the energy to write something here.
I actually thought I’d still have to cull and edit these images, but Past Me decided to do Present Me a huge favor today! Found these all edited and ready in my WordPress media files and I have absolutely no memory of doing that, haha! When I was new to blogging, I’d come home and immediately do the work on my images. These days I must admit that I look up to that chore and more often than not just select a few good ones for Instagram and leave the ones for my blog to rot somewhere on my computer. I’d really like to work on that, because I’ve always found my blog to be so much more valuable than the fleeting platform that is IG. Is September too soon to start making new years resolutions?
I wish you all a lovely weekend!
Outfit details:
dress: Vero Moda
sandals: Clarks
straw bag: zara
straw hat: Stetson
PS: I have listed this dress for sale on my Vinted account. You can find it here.
That’s such a pretty dress on you, what a shame you are selling it! I do think it looks lovely especially with the flowers in the background!
Perfect timing to share these photos here too, as it’s spring! 🙂
Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend! 🙂
It’s never too soon for a resolution or a fresh start! Oh these spring photos are making me wish we could just skip fall and winter and go back to cherry blossoms again! Summer went to fast again! Glad you are able to get back to work, it must feel great to have that routine again.