Today I have another one of my go-to Fall looks for work to share with you. This is one of my flawless outfit formula’s: a dressy trouser, classic top and a blazer. Never fails! These are the same trousers I wore in my previous post, but as I said then, I just love them so much that I can’t stop wearing them.
We had our first frost on Tuesday morning, so I’m guessing it won’t be long now before I have to trade my blazers for my winter coats. I love my winter coat, but blazers will forever be my favorite type of jacket. It’s a shame that blazer season only last for a few weeks here and I don’t get to show them off more. We did manage to shoot quite a few looks with my collection this Fall, so prepare to see my favorites on the blog soon!
Talking about this blog: I’ve been itching to give it a makeover! I kind of want to take it back to it’s old form and give it an old school blogger look. Less of that fancy image slider hassle and a more easy-going, classic blog design. I’m just struggling to find something in the WordPress database that still has all the options that I want, haha. I definitely can’t afford a blog designer, so I will have to do it myself and I haven’t done HTML/CSS editing since I made the switch to WordPress a few years ago. I’m afraid I have lost my skills, haha.
Tomorrow is a public holiday, so we get to enjoy an XL weekend. If the weather cooperates, we’ll be spending lots of time outside. i’m thinking a coffee and pancakes date, autumn walks in the forest, planting flower bulbs for next spring,… . Ah, I’m so looking forward to that! If the weather does not cooperate I have an awful lot of cleaning and washing up to do, haha. This household never runs out of to-do’s. Or I might ‘forget’ to do any of those chores because I’m too caught up in blog designing. Who knows!
Outfit details
top: J.crew (old)
blazer: Massimo Dutti (old)
trousers: Gerard Darel
ballet flats: Clarks
bag: Massimo Dutti (old)
Such lovely autumn colours – that’s a beautiful blazer on you! I wear a similar outfit combo to work often, just swapping out the pants for a pencil skirt 🙂
It’s crazy to think winter is so close for you – this year is definitely flying by!
Hope that your week is going well! 🙂