8:30 PM and I’m standing on the Roosevelt square with some good old Volbeat songs zooming in my ears, waiting for my bus to come. I think this is the first time I’m writing a blog post on the go! We went out to diner with work tonight and that means typing my blog post on my phone tonight. And I suck at typing on this thing.
I’ve been talking about my wardrobe purge for weeks on end now, but I’m really starting to notice the effect. Unintentionally I’ve created almost a capsule wardrobe of pieces that all work well together. You might have noticd that the black strappy cami, olive parka, grey joggers and Furla mini-bag have been getting more than enough playtime on my blog! I was never a fan of those capsule wardrobe blog and youtube videos, but there really is something to it. If the weather wouldn’t be such a constant b*tch, I would know what to wear seriously every day!
In other news: this weekend i reached some pretty exciting mile stones! I finally joined Spotify and I shared my first Instagram Stories. My boyfriend upgraded his Spotify account to premium and got me on it. I have done with iTunes for twelve years, but because I was a poor student I hadn’t added anything new to my iPod since 2013. That’s three years of listening to the same dang songs over and over and over and over. With 4 hours of commute time every day, it was about time I got some fresh tunes to listen to. First things added? Some precious Rise Against, Avenged Sevenfold and Volbeat. So, now we’re back where this post started. Perfect ending.
Congrats on the milestones! I have yet to do any Instagram stories–mostly because I am old and don’t “get it”. I will probably have to have my teenager show me how to use it. LOL I love the soft pink with the white jeans here!
echt een mooie combinatie van kleuren. uw kleerkast uit kuisen kan nogal ies effect hebben e :p
Simplicity is key. Love this look!
You have great taste in music. Spotify premium is worth every penny, especially for the “offline use” playlists you can download to your phone. (No data while driving!)
I have an accidental capsule wardrobe as well and I love it. I’m more choosy when shopping now and I like that everything can mix and match.
Spotify is the best! I haven’t updated my music collection in a long time either – bought some songs at the start of the year to add to my labour playlist and the time before that was probably when I was putting a playlist together for baby T’s birth, ha!
Really like your long necklace with the pastel tee. I did a capsule wardrobe in my third trimester and enjoyed it. once I’m back to a normal wardrobe I might try it again 🙂
Away From The Blue Blog
Oh god, waar is de tijd van de Ipod?! 🙂 Ik heb er ook eentje gehad in mijn tienerjaren, maar nooit meer gebruikt sinds ik van de middelbare schoolbanken ben, echt nostalgie!
X, Eline
in tegenstelling tot jou ben ik wel aan capsules, maar lang niet zo streng als velen dat online doen. Het geeft mij rust om te zien dat mijn kleerkast niet overvol zit.
Maar waar ik wel van verschiet is je spotify-ontmaagding? Heb je dat nooit in de gratis versie gebruikt? Ik weet niet meer wat ik zonder zou doen. Zo erg zelfs dat ik meeste itunes muziek heb verwijderd (lees: staat op een externe schijf) en enkel mijn current fav’s nog op mijn gsm heb staan om naar te luisteren wegens geen premium spotif). Van dat laatste moet ik nog eens werk maken.
Het weer heeft al enorm op mijn zenuwen gewerkt, van truien naar zweten in een topje binnen de vijf minuten ?? Nog geen concretere plannen om dichterbij te gaan wonen? ?
Naomi, x