Iced coffees were my main source of cash outflow during my summer semesters at uni. No, I don’t even think that’s a serious exaggeration (wow, I spelled that word right from the first try!), just ask my friends! Now that I have graduated and moved back to the country side, the closest decent iced latte I can find is a half hour drive away. Add to that the fact that a parking ticket in the city is more expensive than the coffee itself and you know it’s a problem. A serious one in my case.
We got to enjoy a few beautiful sunny days last week and as my cravings for a cold brew grew stronger, I decided to try and see if I could make some at home. Below you’ll find a list of things that I personally pour into my blender to fill up a single one of my mason jars. Some of my friends like theirs with a little more espresso or a little more milk, so you can easily play with the ingredients and make your coffee to taste. If you’re a bit of a sweet tooth and like your coffees with sugar, you can easily add some to taste before blending or as I like to do for my sweetest friends: add a bit of caramel or vanilla syrup! I love love love Illy’s coffee syrups, but Monin is a slightly more affordable brand that I currently have in the house.
– Espresso maker (I used a medium size Bialetti) Ingredients (for one large latte) – 3-4 ice cubes frozen espresso Recipe Pour everything in your blender and first pulse then blend until combined. I strongly advise pulsing a few times before turning your blender full-on. This way the frozen ice cubes are less likely to bend or break the blades of your blender. Don’t blend for to long to keep the drink nice and cool. Pour into a glass, kick back and enjoy! Don’t have a blender? No worries! Simply put a few ice cubes in a tall glass ad pour the milk on top. The ice cubes will start to melt and you’ll end up with a cold latte too, albeit a little less “fluffy”. It’ll still be tasty! |
Wohow, tof! Ik ken echt niets van koffie 😀
Over het laatst vroeg iemand naar een iced latte, dus ik zal me toch erin moeten verdiepen denk ik..
Naomi, x
Dat lijkt me nog te doen, zelfs voor mij. Enkel een blender wil ik me dan nog aanschaffen, want ik heb mijn latte’s graag fluffy 😉
Ziet er heerlijk uit, moet ik zeker eens proberen!
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