dress: Madewell • bucket bag: H&M • belt: Mango • scarf: H&M • sandals: Tamaris
I woke up this morning and felt like blogging. When I started the computer after my just-out-of-bed routine (shower-eat-brush your teeth) today, I didn’t click straight to Netflix. Some of my friends will call it a miracle when they read this. I saved the season 2 finale of The Vampire Diaries for after lunch, and spent my time resuscitating my blog instead. To liven up this blog will not be an easy task. My blogging skills are in critical condition, and the flat line in Google Analytics is a painful reminder that I’m going to have a lot of work getting this blog back up and running again. All of that is not surprising considering that I took a moth off. Twitter somehow even disappeared from my Chrome homepage (yes, Netflix took its spot). I’m not even sure if I’ll be able to fall back into my old posting routine and/or how long my new blogging-spree will last. All I know is that I was “into it” this morning, so here you go: an outfit I still had saved in my drafts.
Sooooo. Want to catch up? I have no really big life changes to report. I’m still dating the same guy. We’re still not engaged. We definitely didn’t secretly get married and I’m also not expecting. We did start talking about moving in together, but it’s just talk and no action for now. As of today, our Indian summer is officially over and I’m excited to wear my new duffle coat. I’ve watched two seasons of The Vampire Diaries in 10 days (Any other Jeremy fans out there? My friends are way too much into Damon…). I’ve also managed to do something important: I started my last year at uni and will hopefully graduate for good in June. This brings me to the enormous stress I’m currently under for my master thesis, because I am still without a subject and I cannot decide If I want to write about something related to our social-economic system or help investigate the possible consequences of the changes the Belgian government is currently debating. Heavy stuff. Talking about our government, I partook in a friendly rally last week to put pressure on the department of education to rethink their suggestion of raising the college tuition. Bad ass, I know. I even made the news! My mom got mad at me for being in Brussels for the rally without telling her, but my dad cut my photo out of the paper so I think he was ok with it. I’ve also been re-united with my uni friends who I hadn’t seen all summer, and we’ve been doing lots of fun stuff. I probably should cut back on my coffee-intake though… . Congratulations, you are now completely updated.
The photos above were made during a weekend away in The Netherlands a few weeks ago. I loved the window panes too much not to use them as a shoot location. Something has been up with my 35mm lens so the quality is a bit off, but they’ll have to do! I have a #GOINGDUTCH post of our weekend lined up as well, so you can expect that next! If you want a sneak peek: there are already some photos up on my Instagram!
Thanks for reading today and see ya’ll soon!
lovely look! nice bag!
finnnnaallllyyy 🙂 missed you 🙂
Haha, Thank you Elisabeth! 🙂 I’ve missed you too! I’ve kept up with your throygh Instagram and SO much has happened!!!! You had Lincoln and he looks SO sweet. Congratulations to you, Ben and your family! xo
I love your update, very quick and thorough. Look at you at a rally. I’ve never done anything like that, I hope it was a good experience for you!
Very nice how your belt matches your hair! All the best on your master thesis!
Sometimes I think taking a break from blogging, or social media in general, can be a real revitalizer! (I know that’s not a word) It’s hard to get back into blogging after a break but I think sometimes that is a sign that maybe you need more time. I support your blog either way! Love the pretty pattern on your dress!
I don’t care if you don’t blog everyday! just blog whenever you want! like today! 🙂
I really like your bag!!!!
I always end up taking breaks from blogging (though they only last a couple weeks before I feel the need to blog again haha). Sometimes, it’s good to take a break though!
Wow! You’ve been a little busy with uni and rallys haha! That’s so funny that your dad cut the photo out!
I love the print on your dress by the way – and that location is so perfect. I’m definitely feeling a need to visit the netherlands sometime after seeing your photos on instagram hah!
Have a great week!
xo April
My dad is always like that. He even records the news when we might walk into the frame… . School kept me away from my beloved online world for a while, but the next semester is promising to be less hectic which should give me more time to blog and catch up with all your writings that I’ve missed! xo
I really like your sense of style
this outfit is beautiful
NEW OUTFIT: BACK TO SPORT (with my new sneakers)
I’m a big fan of blogging breaks when I need them. I’m sure you’ll fall back into old habits soon. That dress is gorgeous, you look amazing. Best of luck choosing a subject for your thesis! xo
Yay! I’m so glad you’re blogging again! Missed you! That bag is so cute!! It definitely looks like the Old Navy one that you wanted! I love the Vampire Diaries!! 🙂
Glad you’re back! And I love that dress! You have the best personal style 🙂 and that is a photo op location not to miss!
Your dress is so cute! So is your bag 🙂
I always think that blogging should be secondary to everything else – much better to have a month of relaxing catching up on TV shows and doing things for you than feeling obligated to blog! 🙂 I hope you manage to figure out the thesis topic – I can’t imagine mulling over a decision like that, I got my degree and got out of uni, haha. I don’t have the patience for a masters! 🙂
Blogging will fall into place when it does – you don’t have to rush it no matter what google analytics says 😉
Away From The Blue
You are very much right, Mica! I haven’t felt the need to blog for a while and took a good, long break from it. I have a fresh mind now! School is also slowing down which gives me more time to spend on blogging and more importantly: blog reading! I am looking forward to catch up with your writings! xo
Ooooh thesis stress, that’s going to be fun…
Het wordt dus een spannend jaartje! Ik heb vorig jaar ook enorm gesukkeld en gestrest over die thesis! Maar het is allemaal gewoon goed gekomen 😉 En over je bloggen: doen omdat je er zin in hebt, is altijd de beste motivatie.
En voor ik het vergeet: wat een mooi kleedje. Ik zou ook gebruik hebben gemaakt van zulk een mooie achtergrond! Pretty!
Eindelijk heb ik terug de tijd en motivatie gevonden om systematisch te bloggen. Ik loop nu schandalig ver achter met het lezen van comments en jullie blogs, oei oei oei! xo
Love the outfit! And its totally ok that you took a month-long break. Sometimes we need that! I hope your last year of school is simply amazing! Looking forward to more updates 🙂
ooh schattige outfit! en de thesis, jaa daar ben ik gelukkig al vanaf, was mij toch wel een deftige portie stress
ahh, that bag is amazing!
Haha, still not engaged and not secretly married. Zalig :p
Echt een outfit die perfect bij je past trouwens! En jaja, Netflix is echt verslavend ^^
En die platte lijn in Google Anylitics zal wel snel weer stijgen. Je posts zijn altijd super om te lezen 😀
x Aurélie
Dankjewel Aurélie! Het was trouwens erg fijn je dit weekend nog eens gezien te hebben 🙂 xo
Succes met TVD kijken haha.. Ik ben geen Jeremy fan.. Ik ben een niemand-fan in TVD xD voorheen vond ik Tyler wel leuk, maar ook hij werd saai. Ik ben benieuwd naar je #GoingDutch foto’s!
TVD werd inderdaad heel erg saai. Ik ben na het 2e seizoen gestopt met kijken, haha! xo
It is so good to see you “back!” You look darling in that dress too.
Ik ben benieuwd hoe de thesis stress bij jou gaat zijn, dan kan ik me een beetje voorbereiden op volgend jaar, haha 😀
Ik was stiekem wel een Damon fan bij the vampire diaries… maar ik ben gestopt na 1 seizoen omdat ik er maar niet into kon geraken.
En leuk dat je terug blogt, dat jurkje staat je mega goed!
De stress valt nog wel mee hoor, mits een goede planning en het tijdig vinden van de juiste promotor 😉 Ik ben na het tweede seizoen uiteindelijk gestopt omdat ik de meligheid niet meer aankon, haha! xo
Ooooooh, dat jurkje! P-retty! Enneuh … welcome back!
Oh! Jouw tas! Die is echt super mooi. Stiekem hoop ik dat je meer van die into-blogging-moments gaat krijgen… Je schrijft écht leuk! X, Eline
Dankjewel Eline. Jou blog is ook één van mijn favoriete less-stops ‘s avonds 😉 xo
Oh supermooi!!! Ik ben echt fan van zo’n modelletje!
I just stumbled upon your blog, you are so cute and your outfits are really nice!
Thank you! 🙂 xo
oooh die bucket bag is echt super tof!
Ooh wat een keimooie bucket bag! In love!
X Sara
I like your blog x