Six years ago the online platform I used for blogging decided to stop before the new year, and that decision forced me to move my space on the web to Blogger. You might remember how you first felt after leaving MySpace and moving to Facebook? Or after every update Facebook has done since (hello Timeline!)? That feeling is exactly the feeling I had about Blogger. It was new, it was strange and it was un-understandable. I quickly found my way back to a Dutch micro-website builder and didn’t look back. My blog, Chronicles Of A Ginger Girl, lingered around the internet for a while, gaining dust while I tried hard to find a new spark and the motivation to kick it back to life.
On New Years Eve 2011 I made the resolution to do something creative again, after quitting art school two years earlier. I always loved to write, but never finished my stories. The idea of writing a short few paragraphs everyday appealed to me, and it was also a great way to train my English and communicate with people all over the world. I had seen an article about fashion blogging not too long before and knew that it was going to be my subject too. On the second of January 2011, I changed the name of my blog, gave it a new look and launched a first blog post on the internet. I also deleted my old archives, A move I deeply regret today.
We’re three years later today and still online and well. I know I sometimes lost my goals out of sight, didn’t always make the right outfit choices, wrote a few too personal things here and there and have neglected parts of my blog that deserve much more attention. So I think it’s time for some new resolutions. A new wind to blow through this blog in the new year. These are my very un-SMART-ly formulated ways to make it happen:
- Two post a week, every week.
- Update my Belgian page with more recent visits and my favorite addresses
- Write about daily life a little more
- Write about my favorite songs
- Share more of my photography without being afraid what readers might think of it
- Schedule shoots and posts for Holidays, special occasions and birthdays
- I still need to write a studio tour too…
Here’s to a happy new year!
Cheers, mates!
Wow al zo lang aan het bloggen! Gefeliciteerd! <3
En ik wacht op die studio tour… 😀
Gooood luck with your resolutions! Looking forward to reading more of your blog this year 😀
Leuk om te lezen over hoe je blog zich ontwikkelt heeft, maar ook wat je achteraf gezien anders zou gedaan hebben!
Goede voornemens, die fotografie posts interesseren me wel! En alles wat creatief is, is per definitie ook subjectief, dus niet iedereen zal leuk vinden wat je doet, maar het voornaamste is dat je het voor jezelf doet he 😉
Happy 2014 en mijn beste wensen!
X Sara
Wow al zo lang aan het bloggen! Gefeliciteerd! <3
En ik wacht op die studio tour… 😀
You've had a great blogging history! 🙂
Hope you manage to complete all of your goals in 2014, and that you had a happy new year! 🙂
Away From The Blue
Gooood luck with your resolutions! Looking forward to reading more of your blog this year 😀
Looking good! Ik hoop dat ik er na 6 jaar ook nog zoveel zin in heb 😉
Oehlaa 2 posts per week!
Naomi, x
Leuk om te lezen over hoe je blog zich ontwikkelt heeft, maar ook wat je achteraf gezien anders zou gedaan hebben!
Goede voornemens, die fotografie posts interesseren me wel! En alles wat creatief is, is per definitie ook subjectief, dus niet iedereen zal leuk vinden wat je doet, maar het voornaamste is dat je het voor jezelf doet he 😉
Happy 2014 en mijn beste wensen!
X Sara
i love your blog and can't wait to see more of what you do with it in 2014! us Nikki's gotta stick together 🙂
Here's to the next 3 years 😉
You’ve had a great blogging history! 🙂
Hope you manage to complete all of your goals in 2014, and that you had a happy new year! 🙂
Away From The Blue
Looking good! Ik hoop dat ik er na 6 jaar ook nog zoveel zin in heb 😉
Oehlaa 2 posts per week!
Naomi, x
i love your blog and can’t wait to see more of what you do with it in 2014! us Nikki’s gotta stick together 🙂
Here’s to the next 3 years 😉
I love seeing your photography.
Also excited to see your studio and hear more of daily life.
I love seeing your photography.
Also excited to see your studio and hear more of daily life.
Proficiat Nikki! Ik heb vorige week ook mijn derde blogverjaardag gevierd, hoera! 😉 Goede blogvoornemens! Ik waag er mij niet meer aan, want ik hou er mij toch nooit aan. Hopelijk lukt het jou wel! Ben alvast benieuwd…
i love these pictures for comparison. i love your blog and can't wait to see what you do this year.
Proficiat Nikki! Ik heb vorige week ook mijn derde blogverjaardag gevierd, hoera! 😉 Goede blogvoornemens! Ik waag er mij niet meer aan, want ik hou er mij toch nooit aan. Hopelijk lukt het jou wel! Ben alvast benieuwd…
Wat een verschil! 😉 En gefeliciteerd met de 3 jaar!
i love these pictures for comparison. i love your blog and can’t wait to see what you do this year.
Happy New Year Nikki! I love all your new resolutions, I can't wait to see your new posts 🙂
Congratulations and happy new year!
Wat een verschil! 😉 En gefeliciteerd met de 3 jaar!
Goeie voornemens, hopelijk lukken ze!!! Ik heb ook heel vaak dat ik mijn blog 'vergeet' maar als ik eenmaal terug ben begonnen met schrijven kan ik niet stoppen haha!! Ik heb zoooo veel slechte dingen geschreven vroeger maar ik wil mijn posts niet deleten omdat ik het grappig vind om te zien hoeveel ik veranderd ben (en om mezelf uit te lachen hahah) – ik snap heel goed dat je daar spijt van hebt! Maar goed als je flink veel post dit jaar dan heb je veel om later terug te lezen 🙂
Happy New Year Nikki! I love all your new resolutions, I can’t wait to see your new posts 🙂
Happy New Year and Happy Blogiversary! I love your resolutions, you have inspired me to write about mine. Thank you! And thank you for the kind words on my post.
Congratulations and happy new year!
Goeie voornemens, hopelijk lukken ze!!! Ik heb ook heel vaak dat ik mijn blog ‘vergeet’ maar als ik eenmaal terug ben begonnen met schrijven kan ik niet stoppen haha!! Ik heb zoooo veel slechte dingen geschreven vroeger maar ik wil mijn posts niet deleten omdat ik het grappig vind om te zien hoeveel ik veranderd ben (en om mezelf uit te lachen hahah) – ik snap heel goed dat je daar spijt van hebt! Maar goed als je flink veel post dit jaar dan heb je veel om later terug te lezen 🙂
Happy new year, Nikki!! I love your list! I feel the same way as you about photography and being afraid of what readers might think 🙁 You are awesome and shouldn't be afraid!! Cheers to an amazing 2014, my dear!
Happy New Year and Happy Blogiversary! I love your resolutions, you have inspired me to write about mine. Thank you! And thank you for the kind words on my post.
Happy new year, Nikki!! I love your list! I feel the same way as you about photography and being afraid of what readers might think 🙁 You are awesome and shouldn’t be afraid!! Cheers to an amazing 2014, my dear!
How cool to see the change! =D
Happy new year to you!
Congrats on the years of blogging! What a great accomplishment. Great resolutions as well. Happy New Year Nikki xo
Wow, you’ve been at this blogging thing for a long, long time! Happy New Year and new year of blogging to you!
6 years!? That’s so incredible! I agree, I want to share more about my favorite local places in the new year. Cheers to 2014!
Congratulations on 6 years of blogging! That’s incredible!! I can’t wait to see what this new year bring for you and your blog!
Sincerely, Sara
excellent post, and congrats on lots of blogging
Happy new year! I wish you a great 2014 🙂
Happy New Year Nikki!
I really like your resolutions!
I loved reading the story of your blog, I didn’t know it!
I love taking photos, and I think you shouldn’t care what readers might think of your photos, I would love to see them!
I even love to read your Belgian page!
Have a very happy 2014!
Congratz met je 3 jaar! Time flies by when you’re having fun. 🙂
Aaaaamai! Dikke proficiat hé! Doe daar nog maar eens minstens 3 (ik hoop op minstens 6) jaar bovenop! En die voornemens die komen ook wel in orde;)
I remember the Chronicles! Congrats on a successful blogging experience 🙂
Happy new year, Nikki! I’ve loved following you for the past few years, and I’m looking forward to seeing more this year 🙂 A lot of your blog goals are actually similar to my own…here’s to making them happen!
Ik ben benieuwd naar je favoriete liedjes en je fotografie eigenlijk :)! Veel succes in het nieuwe jaar met je studie en de blog uiteraard! Sabrina, x.
Happy blogiversary! Hooray! I think your goals sound feasible and like great ideas.
Happy birthday to your blog darling!:)♥ love your style!
Congratulations on so many years of blogging. That’s wonderful. Wishing you all the best.
Gelukkige blogverjaardag! Congrats met al zoveel jaartjes op de teller. Inderdaad jammer dat je je oude archieven kwijt bent maar langs de andere kant was een frisse start ook niet slecht 😉 (ik had ooit vroeger ook blogs en hoewel ik ze mis, de nieuwe past gewoon beter) en aaah het Warandepark, zonde dat ik daar nog nooit een outfit post heb gedaan :p
I just found your blog, it’s very cute. Keep it up with the good work!
Andera |
Congrats lady!
oh my gosh… I know exactly how you feel when the ol platform suddenly stopped and we have to migrate to another platform. i couldnt be happier using my new platform… and here I am still up and writing my blog regularly. congrats on your blog anniv, looking fwd to more posts…
i remember what it was like when everyone move from myspace over to facebook and i used to use livejournal for blogging until it just kind of died and everyone stopped using it and i had to make the swap over to blogger if i was going to keep going with it. i’m really glad i did though, i’ve been blogging for over 10 years now (wow!) and i’ve made so many lovely friends through it it really is worth keeping up.
little henry lee
Congrats on 6 years of blogging! I think I’ve probably been following you here since the begging (or close to it) and I always enjoy coming back. Happy New Year Nikki!
every blogger lost his or her goals out of sight :)! happy bloggers b-day :)! and yes, writing about my daily life (although mine is not that interesting) is something i want to do more too! there are bloggers who do it so easily and i have no idea how they do it
Congratulations for the blog-anniversary and good luck with your resolutions ^^
Leuk om te lezen! Een dikke proficiat. En heel goede voornemers! ^^ Vooral voor je lezers dan 😀
Congrats on 3 years / 6 years!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂