And I’m ending this week on The Ginger Diaries with a positive note: I passed my driving test this afternoon. Which means my sister better move, because now she has to share “her” car! I’m still a bit shaky and I can’t really grasp that there has finally come an end to three horrible years of driver school. That was my own dang fault, I should have been a real woman and should have carried on from the beginning. But, though on second attempt, I am now the owner of that precious piece of paper that will later be traded in for a real-ass licence. To calm myself after being extremely stressed about this test for the past two days, I did a little shopping. Hey, there’s probably some study that proves that shopping has a therapeutic effect. Probably. Anyway. Enough said. I’m off to celebrate with a night behind the TV catching up on The Following and finishing the first season of Homeland. My life’s exciting.
Halleluja once again, and have a good weekend y’all!
Congrats Nikki! What a relief! 🙂
Gefeliciteerd! Super 😀
Yay congrats!
ik heb voor kerst een auto gekregen, die ik deel met mijn zusje (zoals je misschien gelezen hebt?)
omdat ik hier in amsterdam zit kan ik niet leren rijden 🙁
ik hoop dat ik het snel ga kunnen! btw , drie jaar, wow ! hoe kwam dat?
xo Charlotte (ja op Daan zijn account haha :p )
Ooh proficiat! zo leuk!!!
Haha! Congrats! Hope your sister shares the car and you get that much needed real driving experience! 🙂
Congrats on passing your driving test! 😀
Away From Blue
im very happy for you baby
VISIT MY LAST OUTFIT: smiling fran
Proficiat! Ik heb zelf 3 keer examen moeten doen, maar ondertussen heb ik mijn rijbewijs anderhalf jaar en zou ik het niet meer kunnen missen. 🙂
Ooh congrats!! Ik moet dringend mijnen theorie eens opnieuw doen 😀
Gefeliciteerd!!! Ik heb al 1jaar en een half mijn theoretisch rijbewijs en heb nog altijd niet gereden. I know, shame on me 🙂
X Audrey
Congrats Nikki!! That is so exciting!! Happy Easter weekend 🙂 xo
The world is at your feet now! 😉
Congrats!!! Passing your drivers test is TOTALLY appropriate to spur a shopping spree. Treat yourself, it's a big day 🙂
I remember how scared I was the first time I sneezed while driving. Best of luck!
How exciting, congrats! I think one of the best moments in life is singing along to some awesome tunes behind the wheel 😀
Joepie! Dat is zo'n geweldig moment he, freedooooooom 😀
Isn’t That Charming.
Proficiat Nikki! De wereld gaat voor je open eenmaal je een rijbewijs hebt! 😉 Goed gedaan, YAY!
Yayy, congratulations Nikki! That's so exciting!
Proficiat! 🙂