This morning I had a rough time getting out of bed. It was snowing and raining and I could hear the snow turning into hail as I stretched to get up. The sound of those little ice balls on the roof tiles made me cringe and dive back under the warm covers. Wednesdays are my worst days. It’s that time of the week where you start planning your weekends and think about all that fun, but at the same time you still have three days of work ahead of you. Three super exciting days, in my case. Tomorrow I have a few small presentations to give and I am DYING of nerves just thinking about it. These presentations are probably the real reason I didn’t want to get up today. Can’t time just stop running for a few months? Or maybe we could skip tomorrow? How does that sound? Sounds like a solid plan to me! Oh well. When I started my internship I had to create a list of at least three things I wanted to work on in the next four months (study counseling things). One of those things for me is that I want to learn how to control myself when I have to give a presentation. I can’t think of any activity that I hate more than having to be in front of a group and having to take the word. I shut down, stress out, turn red and forget my lines. It’s just terrible! Luckily, I always have the support of my supervisors so nothing can really go wrong, but still… freaking OUT.
When these presentations are over I am going to check out a small fashion show and take an evening walk in the city. I’ll be going on my own, and to be honest, that too scares me. A thing I challenged myself to do, is to do the things I want, when I want. And I wanted to go to that fashion show. And I’ll probably just end up on their doorstep being to much of a wuss to enter all by myself. But hey… at least I’ll try?
Today I am wearing my Gap boyfriend jeans • Gap striped tee • shoes from some of market vendor • Forever 21 statement necklace (it’s new, but I can’t find it on the site anymore…)
Haha je gaat dat echt wel goed doen die presentatie! En gwn negeren die stomme winter! Leuke ketting!
Funny pictures!
Superleuke ketting!
I know what you mean about going places yourself…it's nervewracking but a lot of times you end up meeting some really cool people!
Love that necklace on you!
Sophisticated Lace
ps: ik ben je ook maar beginnen volgen met GFC nu heb je er 700!! Congrats!
Leuke outfit! Veel succes met je presentatie, het komt vast wel goed! 😉
Ahh I totally understand the fear of doing things alone. I'm moving out in May, all by myself, and it's going to be a huge transition! Too bad I couldn't come with you to the fashion show! It sounds like a fun night!
Love the outfit 🙂
First things first, I LOVE your outfit, especially the necklace!
It's funny, I actually feel stimulated and energized by "bad" weather in many ways… But sometimes I just like to stay in and prepare a pot of tea (or open a bottle of wine) and listen to some Wagner…
I'm the same – if the weather is icky out, getting out of bed is torture. But it's finally thursday, and now we are one day closer to weekend!
Love your statement necklace, it's quite pretty.
Chic on the Cheap
OMG OMG die ketting!!! <3 <3
Such a lovely casual outfit 🙂 I really like the statement necklace with the striped talk 🙂
I know what you mean about presentations too – I HATE having to talk in front of a group of people (group being 3 or more!) I am very very shy. The more you do it, the easier it gets, you get less nervous each time, but it's still horrible having to do them! I hope they go well for you and that you celebrate your great presentation by having fun at the fashion show! 🙂 You can do it!
Away From The Blue
I am your 701-st follower. Haha 🙂 I love your style of writing. So simple and clever. Almost like you're having a conversatioon with a friend. Love it! 🙂
Gorgeous! Love!
I love LOVE your necklace! In London the weather was crazy too and just when it started snowing I got myself a ticket and flew to Greece. Oh and the sunshine is never ending here!
Leuke ketting, hopelijk word het rap wat mooier weer. Want ik ben de winter meer dan beu 🙂
Bedankt om eens een kijkje te nemen op mijn blog en me te volgen. Ik heb je terug gevolg via Bloglovin 🙂
x Audrey
Supermooie ketting 🙂
En veel succes met je presentatie!
I hope your presentation goes well. I used to compete (and later coached) in public speaking, and one of the best pieces of advice I ever go was- No one else knows when you mess up. No one else knows what you were going to say. They don't know if you skip a part or some back to it.
Also, as weird as it sounds, practice your presentation in front of a mirror a few times. Weird, but it generally helps.
Also- very cool to be going somewhere alone. It IS hard to do. Yet, it can be really fun and relaxing too. Hope you have a good time at the fashion show.
I love this necklace!! It's so gorgeous and the perfect touch. Love it!
I hope that your presentation went well. I know how scary they can be.
And I really really hope that you went to that fashion show! And I hope it was amazing 🙂
xoxo Alison
HELLO! HOW'S IT GOING? 🙂 I love the passion you have for your blog! I am following. I hope you can check out my site: and FOLLOW. Also on bloglovin, facebook, instagram, twitter, tumblr and even lookbook if you want :3 <3
Presentations can be so stressful. Sometimes practicing with my friends first helps me to realize that its not such a huge deal. Hope all went well!
p.s. LOVE those jeans.
Best of luck on your presentations and hope you have fun in the City!
Oooooh streepjes met een statement ketting, always LOVE!
Loving those jeans with heels! Adorable.
Isn’t That Charming.
You look great!
Method Clothe
ik krijg kou van je zo te zien! maar leuke look! 🙂
de ketting is echt top!
Gorge necklace! I hope your presentations went well.
LOVE that necklace :)!
Those jeans are perfect on you, so flattering and cute! Esp cuffed wit hheels 🙂
<3 Cambria
Oh ik vind het altijd zo erg om te zien als mensen superzenuwachtig zijn! Ik heb het al enkele keren meegemaakt bij lezingen en gastcolleges, dus zelfs mensen die al wat verwezenlijkt hebben kunnen er nog last van hebben! Ik hoop dat het jouw beter afging. 🙂
Coole jeans! En oversized halskettingen met gestreeptje truitjes zijn zo cool he 🙂
The White Studio
french girl! 😉
Pretty lady!