I’m warming my hands to a cup a Royco minute soup (chicken, my favorite!) while trying to clear my head and let the stress flow out. I went to a college fair this morning. I graduate in June, well hopefully I do, and that means I should hit the labor market by July. I’ll be 21 then, fresh and green and not grown up at all. I don’t feel ready to spread my wings and start this new chapter in life yet. That’s why I’ve decided to go for a Masters degree too. A degree in what? Well, this why I need to clear my head. I have absolutely no idea what direction I want to go. Sociology? Communications? Political Sciences? Psychology? Criminology? Pedagogical sciences? My head’s about to explode! Right next to me lies a pile of brochures from Belgian’s main Universities. I’d love to go to the University of Antwerp, because that’s where most of my friends and my boyfriend of 4 years are. But realistically, the University of Leuven is the one that holds most opportunities for me with my Bachelors degree in Social Work. I have some though decisions to make the upcoming weeks. I embraced myself… This is going to be one stressful ride.
Also my apologies for the poor quality of these photos. For some reason my uploader decided to grain them each and every time I tried to get them online. No need to tell you that I hope I can find a solution for this problem soon.
Today I am wearing my Zara flared jeans • Zara jacket • Aeropostale top • La Strada heels
you look amazing nikki!!
good luck with your masters degree applications 🙂 xxx
Je moet zeker eens kijken op de site van de ua.. Daar kan je bij alle schakelprogramma's zien met welke diploma's je toegelaten wordt! Leuke outfit! Die broek verlengd je benen echt mooi!
Oh sweetie rreally cute and casual outfit. Nice jcket!
UGHHH decisions like that just SUCK.
And it's so hard when you're on a timeline.
I know what you mean, I graduated a year ago, and even with 4 internships I had NO idea where I wanted to go in the work force. It's been stressful because after a year at my current job I'm not sure if I wan't to stay here. I totally get what you mean about being unsure and wishing you had a crystal ball. All I can say is go with your gut. Intuition is a woman's best friend.
I love your outfit!!!
you say poor quality photos we say gorgeous! the mood is great!!!! love the jacket too, are the buttons on both sides?
xo. c & v
cake & valley
oh i hate decisions. hope you are able to make yours with not too much stress!
Good luck as you face all these big decisions. Go with what makes you happy and with what will get you where you want to be!
Also- on a completely different note, you always looks so great in wide-legged jeans!
I'm sure you'll figure out what to get your master's in! I decided to elongate my school career and go for my master's too. I was only 21 when I graduated too and not prepared to find a real job!
Anyway! These jeans look fantastic on you and your purple top is such a pretty color too.
i love these jeans on you!
NEW LOOK: TOTAL BLACK with red touch
Ik wil na mijn master ook nog iets bijstuderen, en vanaf ik daar aan denken draait mijn hoofd ook helemaal op hol. Zoveel verschillende keuzemogelijkheden, allemaal interessant, maar op dit moment in je leven wil je iets doen 'waar je iets mee bent later'. Ik hoop dat je snel alles op een rijtje krijgt en een goede keuze kan maken. Communicatie zou ik trouwens afraden, ook al studeer ik het zelf, want je bent er eerlijk gezegd niet veel mee…
Such a lovely casual outfit – the flared jeans look great on your long legs! 🙂
Hope you manage to choose the best masters course for you! 🙂 I have no advice, I was sick of study and stopped at the bachelors degree, haha.
Away From The Blue
I don't know what it is about this outfit, but I amin love with it. It screams grown up casual, which is great for your topic today 🙂
Oe, interesting, Criminology sounds appealing 😀
Trouwens, je komt zo uit That's 70s show! Love it!
those pants are fab! love the shape at the bottom and they look great on u! 🙂
XO Meghan
Believe it or not you are at a beautiful time in life. For me it helped to be still a quite for a while in order to hear what my heart called me to do. I always go with what my heart and instinct tell me to do, not what I should do or others think or want me to do. It is a heard path to take but one that has served me well. Best of luck to you Nikki.
I am sending you wisdom so you can make the decision that is right for you! Best of luck.
I love the flared jeans. They are so stellar! I am also trying to decide if and in what I should do my Masters. Sometimes life goes too fast for me and suddenly I'm supposed to be an adult.
I love everything about this outfit, the long dark jeans, the purple top and shoes, the slouchy bag, awesome!!
Die flare jeans staat je super goed! 😀 Veel succes in je zoektocht naar een geschikte master 😉
Wauw, die broek staat je echt prachtig!
Amai u benen zijn daar eindeloos mee!! 🙂
Leuven! Leuven! Leuven! (Ook al ben ik hier waarschijnlijk weg na dit jaar 🙁 )
Amai, een flared jeans! Not my cup of tea maar sommige mensen staan daar echt goed mee, zoals jij!
those jeans are so flattering!!! you look amazing!!
Click me for my NEW BLOG
great look!! those pants fit u so perfectly!!
greeeeeeat style!!!! the jeans looks incredibly good on your long legs and I like the purse you combined it with. So happy to see grown up looks here 🙂
super fan van de tas! 🙂
Looking good girl!
Veel succes met de studiekeuze!
Congratulations on making that decision! Now that the decision to go for your Masters has been made, hopefully everything will be able to fall into place. I was totally unprepared when I graduated and wish I had taken some more time to think about it.
Super mooie broek!
Great outfit!
Dat is EXACT het soort broek dat ik zoek!! Heb je ze recent gekocht? 🙂