F21 dress as a top & belt // Urban outfitters skirt // Zara cardigan // Footwork boots
Tiny white snowflakes just started to fall from the clouds. While my youngest sister just came in to the kitchen yelling and jumping, being all excited about making a snowman tomorrow, I grumbled inside and cursed the weather gods. I’m not a winter person. Why yes, snow is beautiful. It’s amazing to out in the woods and snap photos of the winter-y landscape. The crunchy sound it makes with every step you take. Bundling yourself up in a big scarf and a hat. But even though I might be slightly looking forward to opening my curtains to a winter wonderland tomorrow morning, I am completely panicking about how the heck I am going to get to college on Wednesday morning. Clearly, the exams are not doing my stress levels any good. Though, I had my first one, today and it went quite well I’d say. I think I filled in just about everything, except for the last two questions which I hadn’t practiced for. Too bad!
Even in this time of crisis, #dramaqueen, I still am excited to show you what I am wearing today. I bet you guys have it too, that when you want something really bad, you create an ideal image of that something in your head that nothing ever seems to compare to. Some people have this with ideal spouses, I have this with clothes. For example, the black pencil skirt. I wanted something above my knee, in a thick fabric that would be very wearable in the winter. No-frigging-where to be found! Imagine my happiness when I found this lovely number hidden in the sale corner of an Urban Outfitters half way across the world in Washington DC. It didn’t have a new price tag though, just it’s original tag, sixty sweet bucks, with a red dot on it. I took it to the register to ask if this really was on sale. Sure it was! For $5. No doubt the biggest and best sale I ever got!

gosh i am so over the winter.
right now it is -2 degrees Fahrenheit i think.
not looking forward to having to walk to class.
you look adorable.
and what a find, i love the deals i can get at UO
Mooie foto's!
I'm with you – I hate winter!
what a steal for that skirt
and good luck on the rest of your tests! you can do it!
That purples looks fantastic on you!! Love this outfit!
xo Emily Beth
$5 whaaat? now thats a deal if I've ever seen one
The DayLee Journal
Ja, het word inderdaad steeds kouder en kouder, in Nederland valt er ook al sneeuw en het vriest ontzettend! Ach, zolang je je in hele dikke truien kan hullen is er niks mis mee 🙂
En dat t-shirt is heel erg mooi!
Wauw, wat een spotprijsje voor die rok 😀 Ik vind je truitje ook heel leuk!
Vreselijk dat winterweer, ik heb alvast mijn voorzorgen genomen en ben vandaag naar Antwerpen gekomen voor het examen van morgen… Veel succes!
Sometimes I feel like the best thing about winter is the comfy clothes and layers we get to wear! Freezing temperatures are pretty overrated. 😉 But I love this outfit on you, and I'm smitten with that Zara sweater!
Leuke outfit Nikki 😀 ! Maar brrr, lijkt me KOUDDDD 😀 !
Ik vind de kleur van je vestje super mooi! Leuke outfit. Bedankt voor je lieve berichtje! Ik ga hier even mijn aanraders in Utrecht geven haha. Ik vind de binnenstad nog steeds heel erg leuk en dan vooral ook iets verder naar achter lopen. (dus richting de Dom maar dan nog iets verder) Daar zitten hele leuke 2de-hands winkeltjes. De Douwe Egberts is heel lekker voor een kopje koffie en in die richting is ook de Amsterdamse Straatweg heel leuk. (de Bagels & Beans zit daar ook, yummie!) Verder de Dom even bekijken is leuk, er zitten nog wat musea (Spoorwegmuseum, Dick Bruna huis etc.), en aan de gracht eten is natuurlijk altijd leuk. Veel plezier ALS je gaat. 🙂
I love those kinds of deals! You need to shop in the US more often lol! Great look and I love the colors!
so nice baby…
Love the look! The purple cardigan is such a nice colour. And winter's been around for a bit more than a month here and I'm done with it. DONE I tell ya!
Wow, that looks cold! Very cute shirt though 🙂
Winter is coming and going here. At the moment its cold with snow. I wish spring was coming instead!
that is such a sale bargain! I really like that outfit with the purple against the black and white.
Glad your first exam went well, hope the rest do too, and that the snow is fun and beautiful yet not too much that you get snowed in!
Did you say 5$? Say what? That is the most amazing sale find ever. You win! And good luck with the rest of your exams! I feel your pain!
I enjoy Urban Outfitters, for sure! Love your purple cardigan! Our snow melted for the moment, but it's still freezing outside, my hands get so cold trying to take pictures 🙂
Lovely top and the cardigan is such a nice shade of purple.
that is an AMAZING sale! $5! great find 🙂
I'm glad you found a skirt! I find that whenever you are looking for something you can never find it! I always find my most favourite items when I'm not even specifically looking for something. And I agree about the weather..snow is beautiful but it isn't fun to drive in!
It's still weird to me that I don't have to think about exams for a while. You look adorable and professional as always. (: I've missed you–now I'm back, though!
Maar dit vind ik nu eens echt een mooie outfit! 🙂 De kokerrok staat je super, Nikki!
LOVE when a sale like that happens. Oh goodness. And I have to agree about winter. Its pretty, but I can't help but crave sunshine and warm weather. Cold air is just not my forte.
lovely <3
You hair has such and amazing colour!! I loved this photos 😉
I love the print on that dress, and it works so well as a top tucked into that skirt!
It always makes your purchase that much sweeter when they scan it at the till and you discover you are paying even less than you anticipated!!! Love that! Very cute outfit!
I am also not a winter person! It snowed last night and today I just feel grumpy haha. The skirt is fabulous though, I'm glad you ended up finding it! And what a bargain too.
love the skirt Xo Megan, http://www.TfDiaries.com
what a classic and chic outfit, nikki!
You look seriously stunning.
That plum color is a divine backdrop for your gorgeous hair!
Once again, fabulous!
tiana of l'esthetique
beautiful pictures!!!:)
you look really cute… hope winter is not a bad one for you!
I don't mind the snow as long as I can just stay home! Otherwise… I don't much care for it, or winter. I'd rather enjoy warm summer air.
Love your cute geo-stripe pattern!
Chic on the Cheap
Mooie kleurencombo! Zo'n geweldig gevoel als je dat kledingstuk eindelijk hebt (en dan nog voor zo'n prijs :o)
x Eline – http://www.onhighheels.be
Ha! Don't you love it when the perfect piece of clothing comes to you! Lovely indeed!
this outfit is perfet. i love it so much. im into the dark purples this year! love your blog! xx