I have a driving lesson this morning. At 8am. And I haven’t slept all night. Because people, I get SO nervous when I think about driving. I took lessons last year and was actually ready to take my test and (according to my coach) had a significant chance to pass with succes. But I stepped out of the drivers seat and never took place there again. If it was up to me, I’d take busses and trains to get me from A to B for the rest of my life. But it’s not up to me anymore. I need a driver license for my internship. That internship starts February 4th, so that gives me 4 months and 4 days to get some serious driving skills and pass that test. “Hashtag dramaqueen”.
On a brighter note, I scored at F21 last week. I was over the moon when I read they were opening stores in Belgium, but when I stepped in there the first time my dissapointment was huge. Terrible fabrics that glue to your tights, plastic gemstones and ripped sweaters galore, I was wondering where everybody found the pretty stuff. Last week was my lucky week and I scored this cute Tee, this tribal-ish necklace and a bat sleeved sweater in cute aztec print. To top it all off the mailman dilivered my Zalando package containing my ultimate fall basic: this navy skirt from Ichi. It’s all sorts of awesomeness. My week was all sorts of awesomeness. Except for the driving lessons… Oh boy!

Great outfit, as always! And I'm sure you're gonna rock those driving lessons – it's always hard, I had a lot of troubles too. But as soon as you get the driving licence and start driving on your own, it's like a whole new world. You get so used to driving that it's the same as sitting on the couch in your living room (my mom told me this comparison once, lol, but it's actually like that!).
Wanneer heb je die foto's genomen? 🙂 i wuf your f21 shirt, zo mooi!
En snel nog eens afspreken!
The day after!, haha. Gereproduceerd toen kenneth vroeg om naar turnhout te gaan 🙂
Driving is so scary when you start. I used to grip the steering wheel so tightly that my hands hurt after driving. I still did this long after getting my license. I also only got my license on the 6th try.
But it gets easier and you start doing things more naturally and you can even talk while driving when you don't have to concentrate so hard anymore 😀
Good luck to your driving lessons. You can do it.
Dat shirtje is zo leuk! Ik ben echt nog nooit in een F21 geweest, shame on me!
Thx for stopping by. Wanna follow each other?
Love the polka dot tee, so cute! 🙂
Ahhh I HATE driving – hope your lesson goes well! This is such a cute fall outfit…love those colors together 🙂
The Other Side of Gray
Great outfit; polka dots are so fun this year.
love the 2 last pics
great look!
At 25 I have still managed to never get into the drivers seat of a car. I know that one day I will have to but I'm planning on putting it off for as long as possible. It just makes me nervous. I love this outfit, the colours are fantastic for Autumn – you look so pretty xo
Driving looks scary, but then you get used to it. Trust me. In any case, good luck.
What is your internship? Maybe you have already talked about it, but I missed it…
Cool outifts and have a good week ^^
This is SO SO cute! Love the polka dot top and the mustard cardi!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
You look cute as a button. Hope the driving test goes well; sure it will in fact!
Leuke outfit! Het lukt je wel om te rijden, gewoon voorzichtig zijn! 😉
love this top and also your blog! It's so nice!!! I follow you!
Pass to my blog and if it likes you follow me too, I will be so glad 😀
I've been waiting to see how you were going to style that necklace and I love it!
Good luck with your driving! I was lucky when I was learning because I lived in the country and could drive up and down the highways. I hate driving in cities.
Forever 21 is very hit and miss–just check every now and then and you'll stumble across great things. (: As for the license, if I could avoid needing to drive, I most certainly would. As things stand now, I am hoping to be able to move and rely way more on public transit. GOOD LUCK with your quest to get your driver's license!
I adore your outfit! Your cardi is such a beautiful color on you and I love the big polka dots.
Nikki you look so cute here! Polka dots look great on you. I hardly ever have luck with F21 but when I do, it's amazing and I wear the piece over and over again 🙂
When I first took my driving test, I royally failed the reverse-parking, but I still managed to pass…I still hate reverse-parking though haha. I wish you luck though, I hope you do well!
omg these colours are pretty awesome!!
Driving can be scary but it's all about getting used to it 🙂
And I love your trench!
i truly believe this post has ALL my favorite elements….a stellar trench, divine dots & makes me happy mustard! lovely girl, i really would like to play this look up myself and will def be trying to recreate it.
i'm also sort of bowing down to you right now because i don't drive. haven't for so many years it's un-countable anymore but i do still hold my drivers licence. *never* want to have to do that again! kudos for going after it like this, i bet you nailed everything and then some!! this week's gonna be lucky too, i feel it 🙂 best of lucks. ♥
I love this outfit so much! That tee is awesome, I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for it next time I'm at F21.
I hope your driving lesson went well. As another adult non-driver I totally understand your nervousness! 🙂
Ik heb zondag voor het eerst gereden 🙂 Haha vond het echt supereng! Al dat gedoe met die pedalen en dat stuur, je moet echt aan ALLES tegelijk denken! Veel succes nog 🙂 Leuke outfit, ik vind de kleur van je vestje erg mooi! ♥
Good luck on your driving test!
I hated driving until this year, I've grown accustomed to it! you can do it!
Forever 21 is hit and miss for me as well. I love how inexpensive it is though!
Aaahhh wat een super leuke outfit en succes met je rijles :).
Liefs, Mariette
beautiful outfit and photos, love the trench!!
Can't get much cuter than polka dots and a trench!
<3 Cambria
I hope your driving lesson went well! How can you not do well in that polka dot top and blue necklace 🙂
GORGEOUS outfit! The combo is incredible!!!
Toen ik f21 binnenstapte was ik ook niet overtuigd, maar zie, jij hebt er toch al wat leuks gevonden!
Veel succes met de rijlessen trouwens, het probleem komt mij bekend voor… Moet er werk van maken van zodra ik terug in België ben, en zo snel mogelijk afronden want nadat ik afgestudeerd ben wil ik het huis uit en dan wordt het al heel wat moeilijker om te kunnen oefenen…
I LOVE this outfit, and you are so pretty!!
New follower!
You'll do well on your test, all you need is a lot of focus and confidence and you'll nail it. I past my first time but I was took me a a few years to gain the confidence to try for it, I was 18 when I got my drivers. Silly me.
nice boots! xo
Cute cute outfit and I love your necklace !
Love Chrissi xo
totally just pinned this 🙂 I have a shirt with the same size polka dots and a mustard sweater! thanks for the inspiration! now if it ever gets cold enough here I can wear my cardis!
The House of Shoes