I’m listening to Bon Jovi and writing a blog post. Not much seems to have changed, but the truth is that something has. You know it. I know it. I know that you know it. Darling, we need to talk.
I am a firm believer of the saying that a blogger and her blog should be like husband and wife. A relationship where one invests time and effort, but above all: a lot of love. Unfortunately, the love is gone. I still do the little blog-chores we all know, but much like in a love affair gone cold I do them simply because they are part of my routine. My blog and I live together, but apart. Today we are more like blogger and sister, than the passionate lovers we used to be.
I had so many good intentions, so many fresh ideas to ignite the fire again. But the distance I felt between me and my blog has only gotten bigger. I write it still, but it doesn’t feel like it’s me who’s typing the words. We miss a connection. Toto learned us to hold the line, because love isn’t always on time. But how long should I hold it? It’s been a very long and good journey, but I feel like we’ve reached our destination.
I have a relationship with a style blog. A relationship that used to be so passionate, that this blog was all I could think about. I grew older, and the blogging world changed. And now, now we just don’t match anymore. Over the last couple of months I’ve tried to make a style blog work for me, but I don’t feel it anymore. It’s a “it’s not you, it’s me” kind of situation. One that I found no way out of and therefor my style blog and I are breaking-up. Breaking-up is never easy. Break-ups are hard, they don’t always go smoothly, they tend to have consequences you never saw coming. But no pain, no gain. Holding the line when I already know the love will not flare up again is nothing but a waste of my time.
And much like with relationships between people, this break-up doesn’t mean I can’t fall in love again. I might have outgrown outfit-blogging, I still love blogging in itself. I love to write things and I love being able to talk to you all through this platform, I just want to change my message. It’s going to take me a while to write a new story, but you can trust on the fact that I will be back one day.For now, I’m going to listen to more eighties music and write a paper on Belgium’s migration history. Darling, something has changed, but not everything.
Talk to you later
Aw, I’ll miss you. I feel like I’ve been following you since I started blogging Nikki! I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next though, will you still be on social media? I hope the break-up isn’t too painful xo
Wow. Super mooi geschreven. Ik heb alles woord voor woord gelezen.. van genoten.. beetje om gelachen en vind het vooral jammer. Maar dat hoort erbij, I guess? Gelukkig spreek ik je in het echt nog wel! x
Best of luck to you–whatever your ventures may be. I always say–the day I don’t like to blog anymore is the day I will leave it. Good for you! Enjoy your free time!
I hope your find a new story you can fall in love again with soon. I miss your posts!
Oh, I will miss your posts, but wish you the best of luck with all your new endeavors!
Thank you Kristian! 🙂 xo
I will miss your posts as well! Please enjoy life right now and always know you have readers, no matter your subject matter!
Thank you Emily, I appreciate your kind words 🙂 xo
I’ll miss your posts, but I hope you come back to blogging soon, whether it’s outfits or something more diary-like! I’ll still be following you on Insta! 🙂
All the best to you Nikki! I will miss the fashion posts, but look forward to whatever you think to blog one of these days 🙂
I have always enjoyed your blog Nikki. I know that you will do what is best for you, as you should! If it’s not fun, it’s not worth holding you, you’re very right.
Even if you don’t share your style, perhaps you could stick around and share your photography and your travels? I’ve enjoyed reading about both! 🙂
I shall stay subscribed, in case you do decide to continue posting here for another reason, or in case you branch out into something new and post here to let everyone know.
Hope I can still follow along on instagram to keep in touch! 🙂
Style blogging’s loss, but it means that whatever you move onto next will gain a talented, dedicated individual! 🙂
Away From The Blue
I want to thank you for your support and kind words, Mica. You always know how to lift me up! I’m staying on The Ginger Diaries, but will broaden my focus to travel and personal posts and try to blog more consistently again. I’ve had a hectic first semester, but the second one is promising to be a little more quiet. I hope you are doing well. xo
Jij kan toch zo goed schrijven! Echt mooi verwoord.
Wel superjammer dat het bloggen zo voelt voor jou op dit moment, maar ik hoop dat dit nog geen afscheid is en dat we zeker nog van jouw fantastische schrijfstijl en mooie foto’s gaan mogen genieten. Ookal is het in een andere context of nieuw concept. En heel erg veel succes met je thesis, ik ben er zeker van dat het een topwerk gaat worden 🙂 xx
OOoh, Marie, jij schat! Ik denk mezelf weer gevonden te hebben en het vuur is terug. Ik kijk ernaaruit weer meer tijd en “goesting” te hebben om te bloggen! xo
Wauw, mooi geschreven. Duidelijk echt schrijvers talent! Hopelijk vind je een nieuw concept waarmee je weer aan hartstochtelijke love affair kan beginnen Nikki! 😉 I for one look forward to that 🙂
x Aurélie
Thanks Aurélie! Ik moest mezelf weer even terugvinden voor ik weer met liefde kon bloggen 🙂 xo
Zo mooi geschreven! Ik ben benieuwd naar de nieuwe richting die je blog zal uitgaan 🙂
ik ben er zelf ook benieuwd naar, haha. Ik denk dat ik eindelijk weet wat ik wil 🙂
pf ik ben jaloers op je schrijftalent! ik kijk er naar uit 😀
Dat lees ik dan nu pas he, snel meeten 😉
Naomi, x
Oh zo jammer! Maar je schrijft heel mooi dus zeker niet stoppen idd! 🙂
Dankjewel Anouk. Ik moet mezelf gewoon even terugvinden 🙂