Picture by Daryl
This post is waaaay over due. Like half a year I think. I’m the worst post manager. Maybe I should have made a resolution about using Google Calender in 2013? Anyway. One morning in mid September, yes that long ago, I woke up and went straight into Panic mode. I was supposed to be at the train station, dressed and ready, in 20 minutes. And I needed a shower. In our crappy studio getting the water to the right temperature can easily take you 5 minutes. First world problem, I know. Somehow I managed to get in and out of the bathroom in ten and then took a little sprint down to Antwerp Central.
I might not be a good time manager, my timing was perfect. Miss Daryl got of her train the same moment the escalators rolled me up to her floor. We dropped of her bags at the studio and after a quick moment moment to fresh up we got out to discover the Antwerp. I showed her around town and took her up to the roof of the MAS at sunset. The sight on the harbor and river was unbelievably beautiful! We then enjoyed a pack of French Belgian fries, which was so good. On day two we took a morning train to Ghent and wandered around in the historic heart of the city. We kind of had a hard time finding a bite to eat, as everything seemed either very, very expensive or closed! Typical. We ended the day with an outfit shoot (duh!) by the waterways and a delicious cup of fro-yo. With a free topping for checking in on Foursquare. Because that’s the way we roll.
Inviting Daryl to come over and spending a weekend wit her, has got me thinking. As some of you may know, she’s a traveler. A girl who wants to conquer the world, one city at the time. In the brief period she and her husband lived in Europe, she saw more of it than I did in my 20 young years. So unfair, haha! Much like her, I too dream of seeing more of this little planet of ours. If not everything. Canada recently moved to the top of my list thanks to Sara and New Zealand will always be my dream. Also, Thanks to Sarah I have been looking up vacations to Cabo like a mad person. Instagram clearly isn’t good for my travel lust.
The thing is, something is holding me back from diving head first into the adventure. I’ve been invited by some of you guys to come and visit your countries, and even though I am lucky enough to have the financials to make it happen… I don’t. I think it’s the fear of travelling on my own and the fear to ACTUALLY act on something. Even though it’s something I really, with all my heart and more, would like to do. How does one get over this? If I wouldn’t have to look at my future, read: save for a down payment for a home or a car, I want to bet that all my money would go straight to travelling. That bug bit me pretty hard. Need.To.Make.It.Happen.
Read Daryl’s post on her visit here (Antwerp) and here (Ghent)
And Daryl, it was so nice having you here!
Hope California is treating you well!
Zo leuk! Maar ik ken je gevoel, en één van mijn voornemens is om dat gevoel te negeren. Ik laat me nog te vaak leiden door mijn angst en eigenlijk levert dat niets op he? Valt het dan toch tegen, oké, maar dan ben je wel een ervaring rijker en heb je het toch geprobeerd :).
Bustripjes van Verhoeven lijken mij een ideaal begin! Ik ben aant denken om één dagje in men uppie mee te rijden naar Engeland
'T is een begin hé ^.^
I found you blog because of Daryl's visit to you
I live in South Africa, so it's so expensive to visit most countries, but I'd love to travel more. We went to Thailand last year and it was amazing.
really beautioful baby
very nice meet other bloggers
Sounds like such a fun time! I love meeting other bloggers : ).
that's so neat! glad you got to meet up. I think I often have that feeling. I am content being at home, but have so many places I would like to go! I won't argue with your Canada plans though! Put the prairies on your list!
What matters is that you made it on time for your friend
I've never travelled alone anywhere before… it seems like a scary thing especially if it's as far as another country. I think if you get past that fear, it could be a very enjoyable experience!
P.S. My kettle is my best friend during this frigid weather.
Vanesa ~ Found & Kept
I love traveling! Though admittedly, like you I haven't done as much as I want to! But you should totally grab a spontaneous friend and go! I am planning on going to Japan for a week this spring, backpacking across Europe this summer and then hitting up Nicaragua. The way I see it, you will never regret traveling!
xoxo, Julie @ OBSESSED
such a sweet post – and it's okay it's lat… better late then never
Lady à la Mode
I hope you do a bit of travelling soon! I did some on my own in my twenties and it was really fun.
Better late than never!
I'd love to organise more blogger meetings! So… when are you coming to Budapest? 
If I can get Kenneth convinced to joing me than, maybe this summer! That is, if Kenneth doesn't get his hands on an international internship. If he does, we will can end up in god knows what country for 8 weeks and there won't be any budget left for another trip
Okay, that photo is just precious! I still have yet to meet any bloggers! Someday hopefully!
xo TJ
What a great adventure! I have some of these fears too but you might just have to start small. Pick out someplace that you've never been but always wanted to go that is close. The more you get out by yourself the more it's not so scary. Each trip try something a little bigger, farther away, etc. You can do this!!!
I have secretly been looking at one day trips to neighboring countries. There are some bus companies out here that offer such trips for reasonable prices
I think that might be a perfect first step for me! Wish me luck!
You two are so sweet together!
You guys are both so chic! I know exactly what you mean–it's easy to dream but very difficult to act. I wish you luck!
Go for it girl! It's soooo much easier to travel and see the world at your age. once you have kids it's kind of impossible. So enjoy it!!
Sounds like a fun couple of days! I definitely need to travel more – even around Australia!
If you ever want to come visit the land down under I'm happy to act as a tour guide!
Cyprus is calling (: Also, if you do go to Canada, I HIGHLY suggest Prince Edward Island. I have been daydreaming of it for the past few weeks from a childhood visit and some of my favorite books. Just sayin'.
But really. Cyprus. I'll trade you souvla for gaufres.
Haha, that intro made me think about the Eurovision Songfestival! Cyrus is definitely more doable that Canada, as it's way closer, and travelling from inside Europe, also way cheaper. We have been looking for a cruise between Greece and Turkey, and those often feature a quick stop in Cyprus as well. We will have to wait until February to decided though, as Kenneth might take on an 8 week internship in summer and if so, we don't have budget left for another trip
If we come, you may expect a mail from me!
I feel like that about travelling more too, but we all have our own adventures to make happen. Some might involve travel for you and some might not, but you will conquer them all!
hi! I have just discovered your blog and looove it!
I have started reading all your posts!
I am your newest fan!
Happy Sunday!
Ik heb op erasmus zoveel mensen ontmoet die grote reizen aan het maken waren en alleen aan het rondtrekken, en da's nu alles waar ik nog aan kan denken voor de toekomst, echt! Het heeft mij ook doen inzien dat alleen reizen helemaal niet zo moeilijk is, ik ben ook alleen in een stad aangekomen en ik heb op korte tijd zoveel vrienden gemaakt. Ik ben ook goed bevriend met de staff van een hostel, dus ik passeer daar regelmatig en daar merk ik elke keer weer hoe eenvoudig het is om een praatje te maken met vreemdelingen. Zeker doen, Nikki!
hm,reizen.Het beeld van mijn toekomst is vaak verhuizen naar een ander land, een andere stad. en opnieuw beginnen, steeds leuke jobs doen en veel mensen leren kennen. Mijn eerste uitdaging zal Amsterdam zijn, en hopelijk daarna Berlijn!
Beautiful outfit! What a wonderful experience you had. Great post!
If you get a sec, please check out my latest post 'Black and White from Day to Night.' Thank you Nikki.
oh how i love a blogger girl connection! give me that any day of the week and i'm thrilled beyond belief. so stoked for you two on this meet up! yah!!! better late than never i say and this ones a keeper fo sho!
i sure hope that if ever you do get to Canada, Vancouver is in your itinerary b/c i'd love to meet you Nikki!! it'd be the hugest pleasure to share a coffee and walk the sea wall to discuss thoughts, dreams and commonalities. you've got a standing invite and tour guide, just so you know. xo ♥