{ Photo by me ! I actually survived the most dazzling stairs on the planet to get on top of that roof!}
1. My boyfriend got into a ‘let’s be the sweetest I’ve ever been’-mood. Love that fella! ♥
2. My psychology exam went A-okay! Philosophy went ok. Just ok.
3. I finally got myself a safari jacket. A what? you know, one of those jackets as seen #here.
4. My new glasses rock! People said I looked smart. Wait… what do they mean by that?
5. I watched every romantic comedy they played on TV this week. Love the free evenings after a long day of studying.
6. I made banana milkshakes. They’re the best!
7. I joined twitter! As of yesterday I am on Twitter. Yes, I know… late comer!
What made your week beautiful?
Please tell!
Wow, je had precies echt een fijne week. Wat een leuke blog heb je! Je safari jasje zou ik wel graag eens zien :). Liefs, Sarah
Yay- congratulations on finishing your exam! You deserve some relaxing time now!
I just got Twitter about two weeks ago. You're right, it is confusing at first! I am following you now though! 🙂
Amazing. x hivenn
what a lovely photo of the basilica! I'm glad you survived all your exams, and I'm sure you did wonderfully.
glad to hear you did well on your exam! and isn't twitter fun? welcome to twitter!!
WOW !What a view !!! 🙂
Twitter is amazing you'll love it! and thanks for liking it 😀
love this post 😀
rome, daar zou ik ook wel willen.
Xx Liefs
Zo'n leuke foto! Rome is zalig 🙂
En normaal werkt twitter toch op gsm? Ik heb een redelijk basic en oude gsm en daar werkt het zelfs 🙂
i read through all of that, and sounds kinda similar to my week aha! Although….i dont have a boyfreind! haa!
Love your blog, imma follow you 🙂
i like this post! My week was made beautiful by a rainy day, listening to Coldplay and sipping a Chai latte. It's a beautiful day! (Wait, thats U2..not Coldplay:) haha)
No way did you take that! WOwzers! And I heart smart glasses. And safari jackets!
wow that photo is breathtaking! you happen to go to all the places I've always wanted to go 🙂 congrats on your exams!
new outfit post:The House of Shoes
świetny blog. cudowne zdjęcia 🙂
I love positive posts like this! I really must do more posts like this on a regular basis! Thanks for your comments also 🙂 xx
ps.. I love your last outfit! the photos are so lovely!
I dont remember if I had already commented.. I may have done two separate comments haha
Love the exam count down a the top of your blog. Mine are finally over, so I know how you feel.
I'm thinking of joining Twitter myself.
cheers to you and your boyfriend for being the sweetest ever! 🙂 have another great week ahead!
Great photo, awesome list. Sounds like you had an incredible week even if there were some strange compliments mixed in, haha.
Wow, this picture is gorgeous! I've never been to Rome, so yeah… I'm pretty jealous right now.
Dayummm TWELVE colors of the same cardigan? Haha, you win! I have 5 colors of the same sweater and I thought THAT was extreme! Oh well!
Congrats on joining twitter too! Don't worry, I joined late as well haha 😀
yes, twitter is pretty confusing once you first start! i love your picture! it makes me want to travel even more!!
hey pretty! Lovely blog! thanks for your sweet comment on mine 🙂 Belgian huh?! cant.even.imagine. now i must go there..because i like to stalk bloggers all over the globe. creeper.
Romantic comedies are my go-to film when I'm feeling stressed! Good luck with the rest of your exams x
Glad to hear that you had a fantastic week! And yes for good marks on psychology exams (and hopefully philosophy as well 🙂 xx
happy to hear you had a great week 🙂 and i joined twitter recently too, but i deleted it after 30 mins hehehe
ooh I love banana milkshakes! 🙂
I'm so glad you did well on your exam. What a relief! 🙂
Thats so sweet we should all think of reasons why our week was beautiful. Love your blog 🙂
Xo Chelle
yayyy!!! haha twitter confused me the first time, too. you'll get the hang of it, though! i'm so excited!! (:
oh, and of course you can use any/every picture from my blog you'd like. i'm honored! (:
Twitter is SUCH a pain to get used to, but once you do it's really fun!! I had to join + quit three or so times before I finally able to see why everyone likes it. LOL! It's all about talking to friends + connecting with fans. I love it now! It's too bad you can't use your phone to tweet, though. That stinks.
gorgeous view!