iPod shuffelin’ that is. I found a fun little challenge and a part of it was to put your iPod in shuffle mode and write down the first ten songs. I have a love/hate relation with the shuffle mode. I garantee you that my iPod always chooses the worst songs I have on it. iPod was good this time.
Now I’m interested.
What’s the worst song you have on your iPod/MP3 ?
the climb – miley cyrus. heel fout 😛
Haha, I love seeing these but I'm always too embarrassed to publish stuff like this. You've totally inspired me to go listen to Blink 182. I've got some right awful music on my ipod, everything from heavy metal (Cannibal Corpse was a bad point in my life) to Backstreet Boys and She and Him. Definitely a weird mix xo
Fly on the Wall – Miley Cyrus
probably the song Shout. It can be fun if your at a party or something but it gets annoying when it comes on and your like…cleaning your room or something haha
I have a full CD (or 2) of 'Ke$ha'. I love it even if it is embarrassing.
hahah my mom put all these motivational speaker talks on mine. they aren't songs but guaranteed I skip them everytime the awkwardly pop up when they play
Lovely Little Rants
what a fun challenge! I have a love hate with shuffle too.. haha sometimes I like the songs it chooses, sometimes I don't. Maybe that says something about the songs I have, maybe I need to update my library! hahah.
The House of Shoes
De ergste song is dan wellicht Abel met Onderweg 🙂 maar hé, als ik in de mood ben zing ik luidkeels mee! haha.. x
Spice girls. 😛
Haha briljant! 🙂 Thanks voor je tutorial, ik zal me er eens in verdiepen!
Such a good question. I'm not sure what the worst is. Possibly the Demi Lovato song for the guard kids because they like to warm up to it.
I'm too sexy for my shirt van Right Said Fred (of zoiets): zo fout maar zo leuk! 😀
i'll say some lizzie macguire movie sountrack throwbacks;p
Hmm that was a hard one, I finally got down to the K in my list and decided that Kisses of the Sun was probably the song I could care less about hearing…
I have a lot of John Prine I would love to get off it. My iPoad loves to pick that mopey stuff for some reason.
de ergste op mijn mp3 is zeker weten 'broodje bakpao'. maar ik heb een excuus! het is nog een restant van een johhny en marina party die we gegeven hebben 🙂
He Wasn't Man Enough by Toni Braxton.
But it's such a nice song to sing along with. 😀
x Krizia
Shark Attack – Fashion Blog
I don't really know, cause I listen to the same songs over and over again until I'm tired of listening to them ha!
Hehe I don't mind shuffle mode if I am alone in my car, because I'm comfortable with all the weird/ cheesy music I listen to sometimes, but if someone else is in the car I get nervous about mode- what if my Broadway showtunes come on or my Abba? 😉
Ally and AJ- potential break up song!
What's worse is once my headphone came out (whilst playing the offending song), in public!
Girl about Town XxX